What a joke

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Ancaps go around making up history just to pretend they are correct and that it's human nature. Do you actually legitimately believe ancient tribes loaned out knives for food? Animals don't even have a concept of (private) property (with few even having any idea of personal property). Ancient tribes as a whole lived on subsistence, which is the complete opposite of the for-profit economy that is the definition of the existence of capital and thus capitalism. If you look in the link down below you can see some examples of how ancient tribes would have social systems in place to mock those who even took large social credit for their hunting kills, let alone let them take resources from others who needed them.

Do you even know about the rise of agriculture? Literally everything was subsistence before that point. Saying that was capitalism is straight up dishonest on every level, capitalism took form and evolved in the industrial revolution a few hundred years ago. That's how long it's been around.

also the basis of capitalism is not cooperation, that's the basis of human society, which is typically a part of mainstream ideologies. The basis of capitalism is capital, property in which one person control and another labors with, with the goal of owning it to be extracting resources from those with no ability to control a portion of the means of production for themselves. The resources extracted then go towards controlling a larger share of property for those extracting resources...


The event that I'm referring to is a comment on my latest post (not this one, the one before it smh)

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