Should We Have a Maximum Age Limit for Presidential Candidates ?

in politics •  8 years ago 

This past weekend I went to dinner with friends and eventually, the conversation came around to politics. One friend had mentioned how much Obama had aged in office.

We agreed that with all of the presidents in recent memory came out of office looking a lot worse for the wear. Some of them aged more dramatically than others. And it makes sense. The president has to deal with terrorism, economic problems, job creation, working with world leaders and dealing with Congress. That's a lot of stress and it certainly would wear any person down.

The presidency requires energy, good health, clear thinking and stamina. The minimum age of 35 makes sense because at that age you assume the candidate is mature, has a proven track record, and is physically and mentally prepared for the job. But we don't have a maximum age limit in the U.S. In 2016, thirteen out of the twenty-one candidates were 60 or older.  That's roughly 62%.  Yet, as people hit their 60's and 70's, they often experience reduced stamina, have memory issues, and often experience serious health issues.

So here are my questions:

  • Should we have a maximum age limit for the president? 
  • If yes, what should that maximum age be?
  • If no, why not?

Photos: Pixabay  

If you liked this post please follow me at @nubchai   Let me know what you think in the Comments section. And any upvotes would be gratefully received.    

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@anna-doyle. How many accounts do you have? You said follow you at @nubchai but that account has a completely different intro post with a completely different person, called "Sandy from Chicago". Can you clear up this confusion?

Sorry Siren. My aunt is nubchai and she helped me with my first post. She showed me how to link to her profile. But I forgot to change it to my page. Sorry for the confusion.

Perfectly reasonable. Sorry to interrupt. A group of us are trying to tackle spam etc because it has gotten out of hand recently. Best of luck.

Thanks Siren. I understand. I'm trying to learn the system here and the editor was really confusing.