RE: End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches

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End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches

in politics •  5 years ago  (edited)

I wrote on this blog:

As predicted by Yuri Bezmenov in the 1970s, his “useful idiot” social justice workers (SJWs) have no enemies on the radical left and make all sane individuals their enemies, because their culture of pathetic unrelenting, escalating victimization identity politics is completely out-of-touch with reality as exemplified by the following Q&A on Quora where these high IQ tech sector idiots are the vast majority of users.

Not all liberals are invested in their victimization identity.

Many simply want to live in a “better” world than nature would provide. They inherently believe that humans can improve upon certain natural laws and Damned Facts that I’ve explained in my blog.

This is also why they reject God. Who needs a God if nature is “cruel” and there’s nothing humans can do to make life on Earth closer to perfect? Much better to w(h)or(e)ship science and intellectualism. This is why liberals want to believe that Trump has a low IQ because they perceive themselves to be the intellectuals and perceive those who believe in God to be Neanderthals.

But the Bible tells us if we attempt to have perfection on Earth and elevate our pride above that of the humble respect for God, our Babylons will catastrophically collapse.

So for all of you having difficulty wondering why you should have faith in the existence of the Christian God (aka Jesus) other than the absolute truths in the Bible in the way I have explained and correctly interpreted them, because otherwise what do you have? All you have without a God to bind humans together with a common love in the face of the inexorable increase in entropy which will always undermine all the plans of mice and men, is nihilism or nothingness. And this is why so many intellectuals become insane and either collectively slide into Yuri Bezmenov’s “useful idiots” left singularity or become suicidal (perhaps abusing drugs to remove their feeling of nothingness). They have nothing binding them in love and respect for God’s creation. They can’t accept fate and reality as it is here on Earth.

God is nebulous. Jesus whether an apparition or actual human, is an embodiment of the love and respect for God’s creation.

P.S. Unfortunately some Christians get so caught in the loving spirit that they become tax-and-spend, statist liberals or even worse wanting to enforce morality via the State instead of accepting individual free-will and the Bible’s instruction that only God can judge at the heavenly gates. Then they have crossed over to building Babylons and not accepting God’s will. Remember the power vacuum of collective action (e.g. government) is inviolable and pots-of-honey will always attract flies:

Some Iron Laws of Political Economics

Christians can do charity on their own volition, but are commanded by the Lord in 1 Samuel 8 to not build up hierarchies and bureaucracies. Remember Jesus rebelled against the Pharisees and their bureaucratic corruption.

Many simply want to live in a “better” world than nature would provide […] Who needs a God if nature is “cruel” and there’s nothing humans can do to make life on Earth closer to perfect? Much better to w(h)or(e)ship science and intellectualism.

All the machinations of humans, such as the advance of science, engineering, technology, have also significant deleterious impacts, even though by some measures improve the “standard of living” and certain measures of happiness. Doctors kill and addict millions. Social media has numerous bad impacts. Nuclear technology enabled nuclear weapons. Internet technology facilitates the creation of an omniscient police State.

The point is that individually or collectively humans can not do just one thing. There are many unintended, not-even-contemplated impacts of actions we undertake. We are just cogs-in-a-wheel of great uncertainty and diversity, which requires we can’t be omniscient Gods. Our very existence (the definition of life itself) is predicated on our inability to be omniscient and be alive in a world of uncertain impacts, because otherwise we’d (un)live in a static world of indiscernible nothingness (and fully reversible thermodynamic processes with no discernible past passage of time).

Humans want to believe they are doing something about every problem imagined or planted in their minds by the high priests of propaganda. Government wants people to believe government is doing something, so that people think they need government. In fact, most everything people and government does just make problems worse. Why? Because nature is incredibly diverse and utilizes a process of decentralized, dynamic annealing to optimize fitness in cases of dynamic uncertainty. When humans and governments attempt to fix uncertainty, they invariably create greater uncertainty because they create inertia that doesn’t anneal gradually and instead with delayed explosive chaos and collapse (including megadeath), which is essentially the poster child scenario of Nicholas Taleb’s point about the need for antifragility.

But all these machinations including the rich-getting-richer, politics, Marxist reaction megadeath, are all just part of this long march of nature’s annealing process. It’s all natural and expected.

In short, humans have difficulty being humble and observing reality instead of erroneously believing they actually have any control over reality-at-scale. We are not in control folks.

An inspirational observation and theory is that humanity is progressing towards the Biblical ideal wherein collective action will be impotent and individuals can explore their full potential unimpeded by all those liberal “useful idiots”. Technology is advancing. For example, decentralized blockchains have the potential to disintermediate and deprecate the nation-state.

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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment