Biden won record-low counties but recorded most votes in history.

in politics •  4 years ago 


We are certainly not the 'down with us' party who believes that our current civilization must first be torn down in order for a new system to be erected in its place. We are at home in America and rather like the way it works.

The Right are the partisans of gratitude and love for inherited heritage. The Left are the partisans of outrage and grievance who repudiate the greatest civilization ever bequeathed to man.

Some Lefties just think that they are compassionate for wanting the government to use its power to help the disadvantaged. Some Lefties are elites who fit right into the 'ruling class' which usurps more and more power and wealth to themselves. Other Lefties are social misfits who lash out at those who don't accept their ideology of liberty, fraternity, and egality. Two of these types are the dupes and tools of the third.

Furthermore, some Lefties just want the power and the spoils which come with it and are not the least bit idealistic about making everyone equal as they aggrandize themselves. Some Lefties are genuinely equalitarians who disdain or are reproached by true human excellence. Some just want to watch it all burn.

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an absolute fraudon a biblical old as my ass is ive never ever seen before...and blatant....rightin your face thinking youre! PedoJoe or the Crackhead will never get into the white do i know?..."Nothing can stop what's coming...nothing!"