Circus debate is so pointless.

in politics •  3 months ago 


Someone just asked me if we were watching the debate tonight, and she said something along the lines of "I don't know that tonight is a great night for a drinking game".

I'm a political junkie, but this round is so small stakes that it's uninteresting. Like... we're only a decade away from entitlements going bankrupt, and the longer we wait to address that the harder it will be to do anything meaningful about it. Despite the urgency required, neither candidate has any kind of credible plan and both have even run attack ads against the very concept of doing anything about it. The interest payments on the national debt now literally exceed military spending, and neither candidate has any credible plan to stop running trillion dollar plus deficits, much less achieving a surplus to start paying down existing debt. The debt that'll be $35 trillion by the election, which is insane. Like, they ain't even talking about going back to pre-COVID spending levels, much less anything serious. Both have already been President, and their track record on COVID alone should sorta disqualify them from consideration.

Like... OK, one of them is mean and the other old, one is technically a felon even if the charges were a bunch of bullshit, one is trying to spend hundreds of billions on programs that weren't even approved by congress. But I'm guessing when Trump debates Biden and CNN tonight, the stuff that really matters most isn't even gonna come up, and if it does it'll be dismissed outright so they can focus on wedge cultural issues and platitudes. Biden will try to use the words "felon" and "abortion", Trump will try to use the words "inflation" and "immigration", but by the end of the debate we aren't gonna get any closer to even the outline of a plan to address the crisis they'll ignore.

It's always been a circus and vaudeville and all that, but these aren't even serious people. They're elderly men who aren't even acting like adults, sticking their fingers in their ears and saying they can't hear you. They've already determined that this massive debt that funded their generation isn't their problem and they're just gonna pass it on to their grandchildren, and it's likely nothing is gonna change until it all collapses entirely, while there's not even an attempt to avoid it.

The whole thing is just disgusting. Like... there might be some good memes out of the deal, but I can't understand how anyone is actually taking this election seriously like the outcome even matters.

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