Media coaxes us through lies and deceit and pretend divisive politics to go out and vote for someone.

in politics •  2 years ago 


Half of us are pissed at the results, and the other half, the complacent winners, go back to sleep. In the meantime, some things do change, and it pisses some off, and for some, well, the system is bent, but I will not regret my vote.

It is all such a mind game. How many still believe any of this is real? For a couple of years, we get the "pretend new regime", and for the next couple of years, we get just more political theatre, with all the same dudes and dudettes pretending to present a new platform of hope and freedom.

Dang, will we folk ever wake up to the big scam?

Okay, I am purposefully being obtuse and simplistic. Many of you have caught onto this game. But, I fear, way too many remain part of it. So, sometimes, I just say, WTF?

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