The illiberal Left has become a passionate movement for a cop-less police state.

in politics •  3 years ago 


One shift which I think has clearly taken place over the last few years among the illiberal Left and particularly Black Lives Matter as an organization is on the issue of criminal justice and policing reform.

A few years ago, I viewed criminal justice and policing reform as an area where libertarians could form a coalition with some of these people - people who want small to no government don't like cops that much either. I don't know many libertarians who focus on the criminal justice reform space who would have refused to at least co-author an op-ed with a representative from BLM.

The problem in the past has been that the illiberal Left didn't want to work with us because we fail their Marxist purity tests - proudly, I may add.

What's changed is simply that they've pushed more radical on a few issues regarding policing and pushed further on other issues regarding government and they've done so in a way that makes their entire philosophy contradictory.

Again, in the statement that BLM posted in regard to Jussie Smollett, they called for abolishing, not defunding, abolishing the police. This is coming from an out and proud Marxist organization which has barely come across a new law or government program that they don't like.

Basically, the illiberal Left has become a passionate movement for a copless police state. That makes less sense than a person identifying as an anarcho-patriot.

I'm not clear on how people are missing this. If you're passionately spouting the rhetoric of groups who want the government involved in everything while demanding that the government remove the mechanism by which it enforces everything, you're either low IQ or lying.

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