On the Trump effect --or-- Trump's incandescent malfeasance and corruption has caused people to forget the malfeasance and corruption of other politicians.
I want to make it clear that this post does not intend to draw a comparison between Barack Obama and Donald Trump... to do so would be like drawing a comparison between a raging forest fire... and the sun. That being said:
At least twice a week I hear someone make the comment that they miss the Obama administration, when the biggest scandal was that he once wore a tan suit.
If you genuinely don't know enough about the Obama administration to make credible claims of both war crimes and impeachable behaviour, your partisanship has blinded you to historical facts and, possibly, to human decency.
The most fortunate thing to happen to Mr. Obama's legacy is that his tenure was followed immediately by Mr. Trump's. The political histories that will be written will be (rightfully) dominated by Mr. Trump's attacks upon democracy, science, and the very heart of our Republic.... which will draw attention away from the serious crimes of other politicians of the first two decades of the 21st century.
If I can't persuade you of any other criminal behaviour on the part of the Obama administration, let me at least try to persuade you of this: disguising military intelligence assets as a vaccination team ought be considered a war-crime by anyone with a decent respect for civilization. Causing enormous distrust of vaccines in one of the poorest (and disease ridden) parts of the world, getting vaccination teams , and contributing to the misery of innocent men, women, and children by violating the sacred trust required for vaccinations to save lives is a form of mass murder.
This genuinely isn't a "But Obama!" screed... this isn't an attempt to distract from the ongoing assault on decency and democracy by Donald Trump.
All I ask is that in the process of identifying the copious faults and dangers of the current president, could we please refrain from the undeserved hagiography of prior presidents.