What CNN is really trying to hide on the Peter Hoekstra Netherlands story

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

How much lower will the irresponsible press go? CNN focused on THIS rather than reporting the actual threats to families and citizens. . .Peter Hoekstra who didn't remember his exact words and definitely should have owned what he said because he was correct about the overwhelming violence in the Netherlands as witnessed by actual citizens who LIVE there. Turns out they are not unsubstantiated at all, but rather ignored and denied by a certain progressive agenda. What exactly is MSM trying to hide? Not one apology for all of their slander and lies, yet this is their BIG story? Why have they not reported the vital story behind their vitriol to all of us? So intent on gloating over a mistake made by Peter Hoekstra and their obvious Trump hate rather than the far more pertinent, life threatening story. But why would/should they care? They don't have to bear responsibility do they? If News sites along with all other controlled media took even a moment to do Actual Research rather than rushing to spout the run-off drum beat from their Tell a Vision programing, they would find where the terminology "no go" zones is simply being nit picked. This is another ploy of getting people distracted from the Elephant in the room. Who distracts? The controllers. Who is the mouthpiece of the controllers and refuses to think for themselves? MSM! Numerous articles at least from a less biased search engine. . .DuckDuckGo reveal that just because they don't outright say the law of the land has no control, doesn't mean there isn't extreme breakdown of order, respect and even a dismissal of the laws regular citizens are expected to abide by in the Netherlands and all over Europe. They keep trying to deny it, but it is the norm and verified by actual citizens! Have you seen anyone calling themselves journalists or reporters ever speak to people in the Netherlands directly as independent news researchers do? Here is what they tell us on media that is not controlled and where the real people rather than actors calling themselves reporters find the true story. This is just one of the posters from the Netherlands so I respect what they have to say over entitled reporters who arrogantly consider themselves the "gatekeepers of our information." Stated on a subreddit forum. "I am from the Netherlands. Don't believe the liberal propaganda. Muslims are ruining neighborhoods throughout my country. Ask me anything about it." Another poster asks point blank, "Any examples they aren't reporting on MSM?" The Netherlands poster responds, "Oh, I will add some more:

The first major politician to speak out against Islam, Pim Fortuyn, was assassinated in 2001 by a leftist activist. This was a few weeks before the general elections, in which Pim Fortuyn was leading the polls and on track to become the minister-president of the Netherlands. A few years afterwards, we got Geert Wilders, who has now been going strong for a decade. He needs to be protected 24/7 and he sleeps in undisclosed safehouses to prevent his assassination. This is how dangerous it is to call out Islam publicly over here.
Anti-semitic and homophobic incidents have increased exponentially in big cities, the perpetrators being almost solely young, 20-something Muslim men. There are a couple of Jewish schools in Amsterdam, that need to be guarded from time to time, because of threats. For Jewish people in Amsterdam, wearing a kippah (spelling?) in the streets has become a living hell due to harassment.
Instead of, y'know, arresting actual criminals, Dutch police have taken to making surprise visits to people that tweet or post facebook posts critical of Islam.
I am friends with a girl that volunteered at the largest refugee camp in the Netherlands (Heumensoord, closed two weeks ago because of large-scale problems). She told that about half of the 'refugees' are 18-22 year old males from Algeria/Morocco/Tunisia, subsaharan Africa, Iran/Pakistan and other countries where there is no war. These young men are under the impression that they'll receive a free car, a free house and a job when they arrive, and because that's not happening, they are growing impatient. They simply didn't believe her when she told them that they will not get a free car/house. Meanwhile, some are even returning to their home countries because of these 'dissappointments'. Others are complaining that the food is not 'good enough' and that the Wi-Fi is too slow.
She also told a story about how a Syrian man was caught beating his wife by the guards. So they separated the man from his wife for some time, as a cool-down. The man was enraged about this and climbed into a 20 meters tall pole, sitting there for hours, demanding that he could continue beating his wife. This is the kind of culture we're dealing with, folks." Yet another person seeking actual information (seek and you will find) asks, "Since you're very familiar with what's happening, in your opinion, do you ever see this ending? Do you think people will finally have enough and shift to the far right? The Netherlands poster states, "A lot of people are too far up their own assholes to ever realize what is happening, but I remain hopeful.

There have been a few moments that give me hope:

Back in 2001, Pim Fortuyn, an anti-Islamic politician, was om track to become minister-president of the Netherlands. Then, he got murdered by a leftist activist a few weeks before the general elections.

Now, Geert Wilders is leading the polls. His party is on track to become the biggest party of the parliament, more than twice as big as the second biggest party (there are 10 parties in the Dutch parliament).

Birth rates of Turkish women are falling, and are now a little below native Dutch birth rates. Moroccan birth rates are still very high though. If their birth rates start falling too, and we stop all future immigration from muslim countries, we can save the Netherlands. Otherwise, we'll get slowly demographically replaced.

Twisted as it may sound, but a major terrorist attack in, say, Amsterdam would wake up many millions of people and assure Wilders of an absolute majority in the parliament, freeing the way to close down our borders completely." These accounts check out with various other citizens right there experiencing this "I don't want my family or children in that" zone. I leave you with a link of Geert Wilders, who is indeed a politician who's life these radical muslims have threatened to the extent that he is under constant surveillance. This is due to him attempting to tell the Truth about what is really going on with the "immigration invasion" concerning rapes, murders and violence. Now why do you suppose those self appointed "gatekeepers of our info" struggle to make a big deal out of a politician over people being raped and dying? Does this in any way sound similar to the focus on the sexual predators of grown women rather than the underlying pedophile problem in these "gatekeepers" entertainment industry? http://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2014/10/20/netherlands-tries-to-cope-with-violent-muslim-refugees/

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