Our Growing Digital Dictatorship

in politics •  6 years ago 

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The spying on and mind control of us is constantly growing. This brief article reveals latest developments and the dark future where we are headed (previewed in China), sharing two informative videos and enhancing them with commentary.

Military Counter-Insurgency Against the U.S. Public:
We all know about the spying on us by the NSA (at least I hope we ALL do), and may have noticed surveillance cameras sprouting like mushrooms, and heard of spy drones (and possibly assassination drones) beginning to fill the air. Here is more:

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for RT America and the title: “Police using tools of war against US citizens”)

And where this may be headed:
Let’s look at a country infamous for perscutions, governmental anti-democratic oppression, and kangaroo courts (and let’s remember we have at least one clearly exposed kangaroo court her in the U.S., too, used especially for haunting whistleblowers and currently detaining Chelsea Manning trying to force her to make false testimony against Julian Assange that our infamous kangaroo court is currently drooling over):

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for ABC News (Australia) and the title: “Exposing China’s Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent”)

Imagine this level of surveillance and absolute control over our private money (once cash is completely gone) in the hands of the Nazi government... Try to imagine challenging such a totalitarian system once it is thoroughly installed and perfected. We once waged war on the Nazi regime. Where is our resistance today? Focused on the distractive Trump puppet? We need to be more alert and willing to stand up for liberty and justice for all (and never make exemptions from all, no matter which minority, because this creates the slippery slope that allows these totalitarian measures to slip in).

One vital point to make: If you don’t adopt a firm position of a Good Life for All combined with alertness, if you allow yourself to be lured into collaboration with totalitarian rule via the attractiveness of convenience created by small-seeming things like replacing cash with digital smart-phone payments or reducing the constant password harassment by interlinking online accounts (like signing in somewhere with your Facebook or Google identity), you add your own trickle to the flood that’s coming. The same goes for excessive revelations of your person on social media. And shall I even mention the outcome of a passionate pursuit of careers in programming and building these anti-liberty algorithms and devices? The flood is designed at the top of corrupt oligarchic governments and mega-corporations but formed from millions upon millions of those collaborative trickles. The oligarchs in power make the evil decisions, but we the people individually either implement or block them. This decision to further these creeping evils or block them is always yours.

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