Wakeful Video Weekend 2019-12-08 (23 videos)

in politics •  5 years ago 

Much on how we are being oppressed and kept to suffer in huge inequality and injustice... and how to fight for change to bring us universal common decency, fairness, liberty, and good lives... and how evil gangs fight back against such change... and the role of the national security state. Enlightening news reports hidden from you on MSM channels, plus satire, humor, music, system analysis... Media not to miss. Watch, share, discuss, grow, and enjoy!

Stars and channels: CODEPINK, DW Documentary, Moderate Rebels, New Economic Thinking, The Hill, Jimmy Dore, thejuicemedia, Michael Brooks, The Real News Network, and more...


  1. Satire: Quiet Supremacy
  2. Song: Living in the Wasteland of the Free **
  3. Fighters for Change: MLK & Bernie
  4. Germany reporting on U.S. Poverty
  5. Big or Small Government in Oligarchy
  6. The Blue-Red One-Party System (Fascist Patriot Act Renewed)
  7. Socialist GOP
  8. Business Aristocracy Discussed
  9. Change: Mild Tweaking Won’t Work
  10. Interesting Pre-Election Conversation about Trump
  11. Capitalism = Man-made Impediments against Living Decent Lives
  12. U.S. Poverty so Underreported – Talk w/ the Poor People’s Campaign
  13. World: Bolivia (History before the Coup, Current Coup Situation)
  14. The #1 Reason for Socialism “Failure”
  15. World: France Protests against the Precarious Life Today
  16. Upside Down Lawfulness
  17. Crumbling Society: Schools
  18. Humor: U.S. Healthcare an International Joke


#1 of the 23 videos:

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