Issues addressed this week: need for systemic change, learning from the French uprising (Yellow Vests, Unions, General Strike), empire's outside & inside cruelty, and building a people's party.
(Why not more videos? I am buried under continued education crash courses in a financial survival struggle. You can help by sharing, subscribing, or even helping financially. And even in weeks when I have hardly tine to sleep, you can always find cool former posts here from across the years.)
Stars & Channels: Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Krystal Ball & Saagar Enjeti (The Hill), Ralph Nader, Jimmy Dore, Dylan Ratigan, Nick Brana, Watching the Hawks RT, Ana Kasparian, Jacobin Magazine, The Grayzone, and Chris Hedges.
- Learn from the French
- Gov for the Greedy Selfish Ruling Class
- The Need for Systemic Change
- Courts-Gov-Politics Corruption
- 'Elite': Let them buy Cake (fake gov service)
- Bad Biden is Our Enemy (e.g. $200k bribe from the GOP)
- Workers Rebellion: Instant Solidarity Union Organizing
- People's Party
- Spoiler Warren & the Corporatist Politician Trap
- Empire's Cruelty Inside and Outside our Borders
- Moral Issues of War Wolff (Democracy At Work), Krystal Ball & Saagar Enjeti (The Hill), Ralph Nader, Jimmy Dore, Dylan Ratigan, Nick Brana, Watching the Hawks RT, Ana Kasparian, Jacobin Magazine, The Grayzone, and Chris Hedges.