Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-11-22 (19 videos)

in politics •  4 years ago 

For others short on time, here is another weekly share of cool videos dealing with our issues. Main themes: current corrupt politics and economy, the corona crisis and lights at the end of the tunnel, and building a People’s Party and direct actions to fix our problems.
Stars and channels: The Jimmy Dore Show, Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Chris Hedges and Rev Mel White (RT America), Ralph Nader Radio Hour, On Contact with Chris Hedges, Democracy Now!, Medlife Crisis, NonCompete, Movement for a People’s Party
Politics & Economy (Switching from Suffering)

  1. State Law Defeating American Workers vs American People Win via Ballot Initiative
  2. Fascist Evangelicals Using Selective Literacy to Support their Bigotry
  3. What’s Coming from the Biden Cabinet (yes, massive corruption and raiding the American People)
  4. Current Afghanistan Continuation Situation
  5. We Have No Democracy (and the D-Party in the White House will Go to Sleep)
  6. Biden Administration Prepping for More Immigrant Torture
  7. Artificial Inequality & Originally Progressive Politicians (like AOC) Giving Up
  8. Insider Exposing the Media ‘Elite’ Community
  9. More Info on the Now Corrupted Media ‘Elite’ + Publicly Promoted Censorship
  10. The People Successfully Fighting Gerrymandering (in Michigan)
  11. Healthcare: The Corporatist Destruction of Hospitals and Healthcare & No Readiness for a Pandemic

COVID Updates

  1. Corona Victims Treated Like Trash
  2. Lots of Americans Dead, Lots More Dying, Hospitals Getting Overwhelmed, Need to Protect Each Other
  3. Trump Selling Snake’s Oil
  4. One Medicine (Dexamethasone) Proven to Help Somewhat
  5. Vaccine Progress
  6. Mass Vaccine Plans | Profit Making | Faulty Injections


  1. Not Giving Up Hope
  2. People’s Party National Call


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