For others short on time, here is another weekly share of cool videos dealing with our issues. Main themes: How to force Medicare for All into being (and how much cheaper it would be), COVID issues, and how we get cheated from the top.
Stars & channels: The Jimmy Dore Show, Secular Talk, Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Graham Elwood, The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, Jesse Ventura, The Hill, Francesca Fiorentini, Kirsten Dirksen
- What The Allegedly Progressive Dem Reps Could Do NOW for Medicare for All
- How a President Could give us Medicare for All WITHOUT Congress
- Price Gouging Rip Off by our Healthcare Industry
- How Capitalism Came to America and Dealing with our Economic Decline
- How the Abolished Free-Press of the U.S. Looks Elsewhere on the Globe
- The Current Medicare
- Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch Double Size Of Texas
- Liberals’ Hypocrisy
- COVID Spike Coming (Thanksgiving –> Christmas)
- Our Corrupt System’s Social Security Hurdles and Gov Hits
- Trump GOP vs Trad GOP (open vs masked)
- nRNA COVID Vaccine, Skyrocketing Inequality & Every 5th American Could Soon be Homeless
- Need to Fight Monopolies Again after 40 Years of Letting them Grow and Raid Us
- The Richest 1% Bragging about the Stock Market as they Starve us
- Hello, Fake Christians!
- Greenhouse Housing