I am a conservative. I will not ever apologize for this because it is the way I feel. I don't think as though liberals necessarily need to apologize for their ideals either but from my side of the fence the "new wave" of liberals simply seem borderline insane. It is one thing to be socially progressive and another thing to be of the opinion that the government should force everyone to think the way that you do. I'm not saying that all liberals are like this because while I do not know very many liberals since I live in a conservative part of the United States, I do know a few and we disagree on policy as you would expect but they don't seem completely nuts.
Mark Dice's 2018 book could be a frustrating read for a lot of people because he takes the most crazy things that liberals have done in the past 5 years or so and compiles them into one near 350-page book. I don't know if it is a great idea for people to read this actually, because if you are conservative, it will likely just make you mad.
I don't always agree with Mark Dice's tactics as he was rising to YouTube fame because he used a lot of dirty tricks when he was making his videos. He used the same tactics that liberals use on similar videos where they try to make conservatives look stupid by going around and asking simple questions and then compiling a video of people getting the answer horribly wrong. I don't know who did it first, Dice or his liberal counterparts, but all of them are "cheating" when the edit, that is almost certain.
The questions Mark would ask weren't necessarily political either but would be something like "What country is Mount Rushmore located in?" which is a really easy question but a lot of people would answer "England" or "France" or the most common answer was "I don't know." Now I am quite sure that most people in America do actually know the answer to this question but he of course wouldn't include that footage.
I'm not saying these videos aren't funny and you don't really have to look very far to find something that is not very smart but Mark, and his liberal counterparts, if they were to include the raw footage would probably be presenting something very different.
That's not what this post is about though. I ended up borrowing this book from the local library (yes, you don't have to buy books folks!) and it was a very easy read because the chapters for the most part are not connected and describe small situations that are only a page or two long. Mark has obviously put a lot of time into compiling this and for any nay-sayers our there that would suggest that he was making any of this up there is an absolutely massive "sources" section that is so prevalent, that my Kindle would take me away from the page I was on regularly (that's right, you can borrow Kindle books from your library too!)
Most of the chapters are stories about cancel culture and the irony behind this is that the very existence of this book lead to an army of cancel-culture idiots to flooding his Amazon page with bogus 1-star reviews. Amazon later removed any of the reviews that hadn't purchased the book from Amazon, which honestly is something they should be doing anyway. Therefore, if the cancel people want to ruin someone's reputation, at least they have to pay $10 each in order to make it happen.
There are also stories about how complicated the "alphabet people' have become and Mark jokes about how LGBT has become LGBTQLMONPQRS etc. He focuses on stories about how Twitter will remove conservative posts for potentially inciting violence but don't remove liberal ones that are directly calling for it. Since I don't use Twitter, this was all news to me. I think the world and society, especially in USA, would be a much better place if people didn't use Twitter at all. I've never understood the allure but apparently there are a bunch of people out there that use it and that is why Jack Dorsey (is that spelled right) is a very very wealthy hippie-looking dude.
I'm not gonna say that this book is a "must read" since most of the stories that he focuses on don't really have any lasting impact on USA or global politics, but mostly he points out the most insane things that liberals have done in the past, mostly on the internet. Even though I am conservative I am quite certain that a liberal could make a book just like this one that focuses in the other direction. In this aspect I feel as though the book is flawed because you can't look at one group of crazies and try to attribute everyone that is part of their group with these attributes. Maybe I am just to "fair" to believe that this is something that should be done. Unlike most of the people I know, I actually get along with my few liberal friends and we are able to keep it civil when we talk to one another. On the flip side, most of the liberals that I "know" I actually met them years ago in college and we are all over the country. I consider most of them to be completely nuts and don't really try to keep in touch with them because of this.
If you live in the United States it really isn't necessary to buy this book, you can borrow it from most libraries for free because they all have a certain number of Kindle licenses that they can lend out to you for a month and well, there are workaround that you can actually keep it forever if you want to but I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to get that done since you void your warranty by doing it.
This book isn't going to give you any real insight into the mind of a liberal because it uses the most extreme examples in most of the chapters. However, if you need a little "catch up" on the craziness that has been going on the past 5 years or so, this book serves as a good summary. If you are conservative like I am, it will likely reinforce the fact that you definitely need to stay that way.
It isn't often that I read a 350 page book in 2 weeks or even finish it at all because I work too much, but I tore through this book in about 8 days. It's just really easy to read and Mark is definitely a funny author who covers his bases with the sources section of the book, not that anyone is actually going to check all those.