I think we should let the White House cocaine story fade away... because it will anyway

in politics •  last year 

The pretend outrage that is going on right now about the "shocking" revelation that an illegal and very popular among rich people drug was found in a building that normally hosts some of the most powerful people in the world is a big story, but unless you know nothing about the world, it really shouldn't surprise you.

Even though it is hypocritical, the idea that someone in a position of power would be using cocaine shouldn't really surprise you even if these same people are the ones that are charged with overseeing the fact that this drug is illegal in the first place. Do you honestly think that politicians are some sort of saintly creatures that never break any of the laws that they are charged with enforcing?


I do find it quite amusing that the Secret Service was unable to figure out who the cocaine was left there by and of course that is a lie. Almost everything that happens in government is a lie. This one is just so much more amusing because of the fact that Hunter Biden is a well-known drug abuser and the conservative media is swarming to pin it on him even though his amphetamine of choice is obviously crack.


There are a couple of reasons why this story should (and will) go away. For one thing this is something I really despise about the media and it is normally a tactic of the left but that's probably just my bias talking. All media is guilty of targeting a family or friend of someone in power and somehow trying to tie it to them as if they were the ones that actually did it themselves. Of course this story would be seeing a great deal more exposure if Trump were in office right now, that much is for sure and the leftist media would NEVER just let it go.

Another reason that conservatives should just let it go is because of the fact that the damage is already done and the people who do know who the cocaine belonged to are not going to let the public know unless there is some fall-guy waiting in the West Wing that they can pin this on.

There are plenty of real reasons to feel as though Biden is bad at his job without bringing the addiction of his clearly very troubled son into it. His gaffes and continued sniffing of kids as well as falling down and lacking the ability to make it through a sentence are reasons enough. The truth in this situation is never going to come out. Rich people don't get in trouble for drug use unless they are not in power at the time. This will go nowhere and the people who are bothering to listen to this story probably already didn't want Biden and the people who support him don't really support him anyway. We all know that Biden is only in office because of hatred for Trump and the way that the person in the White House's political affiliation has been a ping-pong match for our entire lives.

Personally, I would think less of the White House if people they were straight-laced and never touched drugs. If anything good about this can be perceived it will be that the current Presidential administration will not be able to talk about the "war on drugs" for the remainder of the Biden term without inviting questions that they definitely do not want to answer.

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If it gets brought up at the Democratic National Convention then I'd be pleasantly surprised.

I wouldn't count on that happening unless the DNC has already decided to evict Ol' Joe... which might be the case.

In the SS defense, they probably couldn't identify A SINGLE person without the shadow of a doubt, even though we all know who it's from. Unless it's an operation to slowly discredit Joe...

I just find it a bit funny that someone can smuggle something into the supposedly "most secure building in the world." Anyone that has that sort of ability is on some sort of "no search" list and that seriously narrows the field.