I'm a gun owner and supporter of the right to bear arms. I believe that my community and many others like it are as safe as they are because of the high concentration of legal gun ownership. We have a very high level of guns in my community and virtually no crime. People would really think twice about starting any trouble in my community and would especially not do something stupid like a home invasion or carjacking here because there is a better than average chance that the person on the other side of those doors are packing, and have a legal right to use lethal force should someone try to harm them or their family.
When Democrats try to go after gun ownership it isn't anything new but the way in which Joe Biden goes after it is just embarrassing for his cause because he comes across as someone that doesn't know a damn thing about guns yet he is the person who is leading the charge?
Now this original gaffe was from a while ago but he recently went on the offensive at a town hall which contained, yet again, a very friendly and almost certainly hand-picked audience with pre-arranged questions. In a response to what he was going to do about rising crime rates or something along those lines, he yet again went after gun ownership and once again referred to magazines and clips or attempted to change the words around at the last second and stumbled again and referred to them as "clip magazines" which of course is not a real thing.
When asked by a young lady whether or not he is going to try to outlaw guns, which was clearly a question arranged beforehand so that Joe could attempt to explain that he is only trying to take away certain guns, he again turned the focus to "assault weapons." Now anyone who knows anything about guns realizes that there is no such thing as an "assault weapon" or "assault rifle" but over the past 6 years or so the media has characterized semi-automatic long guns as assault weapons. Basically if the gun is black and looks scary, that's an assault weapon in their minds.
While the bumbling that Joe did while attempting to remember the words the practiced before he got fed this question that was definitely arranged and rehearsed beforehand was amusing and a bit sad to witness at the same time, the problem is that these weapons that are demonized by the left are involved in such a crazy small amount of actual shootings that their continued vilification is just nuts.
When you look at the numbers, ALL long guns combined, including the dreaded AR-15, account for less than a percent of all gun-violence deaths. The numbers vary but all of them are less than 1%, some are as low as 0.1%. Yet the left and their now champion Joe Biden continually go after these weapons when talking about gun reform.
remember that one? That was gold
If we could wave the magic gun wand and all long-guns would cease to exist in the law-abiding civilian market, there would be virtually no change to gun-violence stats. It is easy to assume that the gun violence that DID involved long guns, would have happened anyway because the people who did use an AR-15 in gun violence were also carrying multiple other guns.
Someone out there famously said about banning long guns such as the AR-15 in an effort to curb gun violence is like "trying to solve heart disease by cutting off your thumb."
I tend to stay out of discussions where I don't actually know anything about the topic at hand. I would be surprised if Joe has ever even held a weapon in his life. While he is all about taking your guns away from you, in the meantime the people that walk around with him are armed all the time. At this very event where his friendly crew of butt-kissers were hand-selected with pre-arranged questions there were dozens of armed security on hand. Hell, some of them may have even had an AR-15 with them.
Joe, you are not helping your cause so I say go on and keep talking. Common sense gun reform (as he likes to call it) isn't going to pass because there are even some Democrats in the House and Senate that will vote against it because of where their constituency is. Also, certain states have already passed laws that will negate any federal regulations that are designed to take away 2nd Amendment rights. I suppose that is the good news.