This was always going to happen just like it does every 4 years. A ton of people come out of the woodwork to get some media attention and make grand claims about how they are going to be the savior of the country. Of course none of them ever accomplish this even if they do get elected, but I do find it amusing the level of people that declare that they are running when if you look at them and what they have accomplished, that we all know they are going to get almost no donors and have zero chance of actually winning.
When I read the blurb about John Bolton running for President my first reaction was "Michael Bolton has a relative?" but then I saw his face and I immediately knew who the guy was.
I'm going to go ahead and predict the future and say that almost every person who decides to compete to run on the Republican ticket in 2024 will be running with a CV/resume that consists almost entirely of "I'm not Donald Trump" as their qualification for doing so. That is really all John Bolton has going for him anyway.
You might remember John Bolton from such hits as being W's Ambassador to the United Nations and during that time he vehemently defended the invasion of Iraq and was publicly pushing for regime changes in Iran. He served as a National Security Advisor in the Trump administration
He and The Don quickly became enemies - or so it would appear - and he was only with the administration for a short while (about a year and a half) - before Trump claims he was fired and Bolton claims he walked away. Who's telling the truth? Well I will go ahead and raise my hand and say "who cares?"
DJT would later call Bolton "one of the dumbest people in Washington" in True unfiltered Trump style. Is this true? Again, I will raise my hand and say "who cares?" I think almost all of the government in Washington are one of the dumbest people in Washington.
Bolton has absolutely nothing to offer the people other than wanting MORE military intervention around the world - which is something that I think only a select group of crazy and delusional people in America actually want.
John has about as much chance of getting any foothold on the nomination as I do and I suspect this press run is merely to put himself back in the spotlight so he can sell some books.
He claims this isn't a "vanity run" while at the same time it is precisely that. I expect we will see dozens more of these in the coming year and it could end up being fun to see how similar they all end up being. These people know that they cannot actually defeat Trump in the primary so I will find it interesting to figure out what the personally can gain by pretending to actually run when there isn't a chance in hell they will ever get any meaningful level of support.
The clown-show that is American elections is amazing! I just didn't think it would get started so early.