Well, go on then! That's what I say. I have my own reservations about Trump being the nominee as well but for her to continue to cling onto perceived relevance is getting kind of sad at this point. Her resounding defeat in the primaries in Wyoming a month or so ago kind of indicated that the people are not interested in her as a leader and I don't think that anyone is going to care if she leaves the party. Clearly the constituents do not want her anymore, so outside of her group of pals I think that the political machine would continue to function in its usual corrupt fashion without one of the members of the dynasties that are thankfully, crumbling right now.

I don't know much about this woman but also never liked her based solely on her surname. I do not like political dynasties and the series of elections that these families have managed to accomplish that in my opinion, is just based on the corruption that comes along with being in their family in the first place. The Clintons, the Bushes, and even the Kennedys were all part of a series of entitlement that I think the world would be better off without. I realize that this is nothing new and dynasties have existed all throughout time. I just wish the people of the world would wake up a bit and realize that these families are a big part of the reason why nothing ever changes.
I only have to think about my own father and what he was good at. This doesn't mean at all that I am going to be good at those things just because we have the same bloodline. It's stupid.
Getting back to Liz, I couldn't help but laugh when I heard the comments where she threatened to leave the party if Trump was the nominee and she of course was torn apart online for even making the comment as if anyone was going to be like "oh nooooo, OK, i'll drop my support for Trump but please Liz! Please stay!"

While I think that it would probably be better for the political landscape if Trump wasn't the Republican nominee in 2024 the fact that Liz Cheney is threatening to leave if he is wont have any impact on that decision at all. If anything, it probably just increases that chance that people will want him. Begone Liz!