I didn't really care what the results of this mid-term would be and I predicted a few days ago that no matter what happened people on both sides would be complaining and crying about cheating or racism or something along those lines no matter what the result was. This turned out to be true and I don't think it was a very difficult prediction to make. This was always going to happen.
One of the great joys about not affiliating with any major political party is the fact that when shit like this happens, it doesn't really affect my day or my attitude in any way whatsoever. When I saw the results the next day and how a lot of stuff is still being counted I wasn't surprised at all, nor did I care. It was the talk of the town and my own lack of desire to know the information at all made the conversations at the Elks Lodge that evening all the more interesting. Most of the people that hang out there are Republicans and although I will play nice to their face I couldn't help but snicker a little bit about how personal a lot of the people there were taking the results. Some of the results they were complaining about were elections taking place thousands of miles away in places that none of them have ever been let alone to they have a vested interest in it.
I spend most of my time believing that Democrats are the brainwashed crazy ones but honestly, if you take enough time to look at anyone who is a die-hard supporter of either party and the associated news stations that come along with being a "member" of these gangs, they are all part of the same gang, just brainwashed in a different direction.
There was one thing that caused me a bit to be a bit afraid for the political future of the United States though and that was when someone out there published how much the total cost for the mid-term elections was for all of the candidates involved, combined.
People like to point the finger at people like Soros and say that it is a sign of the fact that government is corrupt and anyone who gets elected is going to be beholden to some master somewhere and need to do their bidding in order to maintain their job. I think this much is kind of understood about almost all politicians that exist here in the US as well as everywhere else. The thing that kind of took me aback is how much money was spent this time around on the mid-terms.
$16.7 Billion was spent in the 2022 election cycle
Let's think about a couple of things here ok? In all of my life I don't really recall a time when anyone actually gave a rip about mid-term elections. I don't think many people really spent much of their time even thinking about them let alone would they become and international phenomenon where everyone is awaiting the results.
I remember being bombarded with political ads and unsolicited mail constantly in 2020 and while I felt like it was just as bad in 2020 seeing as how it was everywhere I wouldn't have imagined that they were somehow able to spend MORE money on 2022 mid-terms.
$16.7 billion is a staggering amount of money for what actually ended up happening, which was essentially nothing at all. I also think that this is yet another sign that politics in the USA have little to no chance of ever changing. I'm sure that money was always driving the political bus but when you look at who the elected officials actually are and how nothing has changed at all in any meaningful capacity in my adult life other than war and it just makes me more apathetic than before about even bothering to vote. Every politician is bought and as the elections get more and more expensive to participate in, we are just insuring that the same people end up in those offices time and time again.
It's depressing. Don't you think?