Painting over something is a hate crime, actually targeting random people from other races is not

in politics •  4 years ago 

This is a hate crime?

The couple in the viral video who are painting over the Black Lives Matter street or whatever it is called, have been charged with a hate crime. They will face up to a year in prison if they are convicted, which I sincerely hope they are not. The media is afraid to touch this story in any capacity other than to say they are horrible people for fear of being called “racist.”

What they did was probably not the smartest thing, but it certainly shouldn’t be considered a hate crime. What they did could be considered vandalism but so was the initial painting of the street where “Black Lives Matter” was painted on the street in the first place. This is what they should be charged with, but so should the people who initially put the yellow letters there in the first place.


There is a good chance if you look at news at all that you are aware of the racial bias that is taking place in the USA right now and some would say (I think accurately) that this has been going on for quite some time and it normally peaks in Presidential election years so that one particular side can call the other side racist in order to score votes with the minorities that they claim to want to protect (they don’t) from a side that is trying to keep them downtrodden (they aren’t.)

However, let’s step away from the politics for a second and look at some crimes that are NOT being considered hate crimes.

  • A black man exited his vehicle to hay-maker sucker punch a white 12 year old kid who was simply participating in street dancing with some friends. The black man did not know this kid, and according to police records, they had never met before. He simply got out of his car, sucker punched him with full force in a manner that could have killed him, then got back into his car and drove away. He was easily found because his license plate was in full view. He is not being charged with a hate crime and has not yet been caught. There is a warrant for his arrest and his bail has already been set at an embarrassingly small amount.


  • 5 black teenagers attacked a random white male outside of a minimart for the crime of being white. While they were kicking and punching this person (who has one hell of a chin and should probably look into a MMA career) they were shouting “black lives matter” while doing so. This man had only briefly talked to the teens inside the minimart because they were cutting the line. Outside the teens shouted racial slurs at the man and kicked and punched him while he was simply trying to get into his car and go home. They are not being charged with a hate crime


  • There was a young black man that intentionally pushed over a 92 year old woman who hit her head on a fire hydrant when she fell. This definitely could have killed her and she said nothing to the boy to provoke this, she didn’t say anything to him at all and they did not know one another. He is not being charged with a hate crime


  • Then there is one of the most famous ones of recent times where a young black care-worker is on video mercilessly beating and elderly white man in a care home. He was easy to track down and it was later revealed that he has a YouTube channel filled with videos about blacks being the superior race and how they were God’s chosen people. He clearly hates white people. Is he being charged with a hate crime? Of course not.


Yet these two white people, who physically harmed not a single person and were just painting over a statement in a public space are being charged with a hate crime. They almost certainly will not be convicted and what they did was not a great decision given where they live and the current political climate, but if this is a hate crime, and the other ones, two of which can be considered attempted murder are not….. what kind of society is this that we are living in right now? Does society really want a race war because it is starting to look that way.

It has gotten to the point that if you even talk about these things online, or if news stations report on it, they (or you) get accused of being "racist" for talking about it.

Just think for a second: If the races were reversed in these situations it almost certainly would be considered a hate crime in today's mob mentality society... Isn't that racist in itself?

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This is actually really bad! this is not about black people or white people anymore. humanity is at crises. feels disgusted to know such things happens.
I wish this all should stop and authorities start considering everyone equally human and charge them according to their crime thus race should not be involved in such a scenario. thus white, black brown, red orange or pink any color you are, you have to behave like a human and will be punished like one.
@beelzebubba great content, gonna follow you!

race isn't supposed to be a factor but these days since it is so sensitive a subject in America it seems there is preferential treatment being given to some people and this is actually highly illegal. It will all get struck down in court of course, but the media wont report on that. They just want the shock and awe of the moment, not the eventual outcome.

Dude black people can't be racist because they are race, duh.

Try logic some time you Trump enabler!

This seems to be a trend these days and is exasperated by the media. The various governments in some areas feel a great deal of pressure to cave to the mob mentality any time some sort of "progressive" issue goes viral. I would hope that there is almost no chance that these two will serve any time at all let alone be convicted of a hate crime. The city is likely saving face to prevent the mob from destroying more property.

It is upsetting to see this imbalance of reaction over crimes, for sure, but keep in mind that it is all politically motivated and isn't a reflection of what the actual law is. Hopefully people will come to their senses and vote out all of their elected officials in these areas that are doing these things. Or move somewhere else.

I think that we are coming to a point where certain states become extremely red and others become extremely blue, which is kind of what it was like before but the notion of swing states could end up becoming a thing of the past at this rate.

Well the fact that I haven't heard of any of these crimes other than the top one is kind of proof of the bias!