I subscribe to just a few political news feeds in Telegram. For the most part I avoid news because it doesn't really matter who you subscribe to, they have a political slant and will avoid information that makes the other side look at all good, and will in turn avoid any information that makes "our team" look bad as well. Basically everyone is lying and this is just the political landscape that we live in now and likely always will. It's a shit show and i don't believe that it is specific to America. It may have always been this way but prior to the all-encompassing power of social media, we wouldn't find out about it unless the media thought it was important enough to highlight. I know that when I was in my teens, 20's and 30's that if you didn't go specifically looking for dirt on a particular person in politics, you were probably unlikely to accidentally come across it.
Pelosi is one of the most hated political figures in the USA right now and this happens anytime anyone is speaker of the House. Do you ever recall a popular Speaker? I know I don't.
It's been ongoing and the political right will not let it go and even though I think there is probably something to this line of questioning, we all know it isn't going to go anywhere because no one that high up ever takes the fall for anything that they do. At the moment and it has been going on for quite some time, there have been questions surrounding Pelosi's staff and herself about how she intentionally had low amounts of security at the Capitol building on January 6th. The famous most peaceful coup attempt in all of history.
There are emails and text messages between staffers that suggest that Pelosi was rejecting the Trump administration's suggestion that security be beefed up at the Capitol and even accusations of Pelosi and others being "in on it" as far as breaching the building's entrances are concerned.
We've all seen the images of the rather absurd people that got inside the Capitol and if you've bothered to look there is also audio of people who seem to be plants that were urging people on to do more damage than they did. There are videos of people clad in all black who are trying to break windows while the people who are in the mob trying to stop them. There are also videos of what appears to be security officers simply opening the doors and letting people in. I don't really want to get into that because this has been talked about in great detail and this horse is well and truly dead.
What I do want to talk about is that if Pelosi was involved in intentionally not increasing security at the Capitol in order to try to make her nemesis Trump look as bad as possible, would that really surprise you? If so, I have a difficult time understanding you as a person.
Anyone out there that thinks that almost any of these politicians are not dirty as can be must have blinders on worse than the taxi horses in NYC. It doesn't really matter to me who you support, there is a very good chance that this person or that, is rotten to the core and is just really good at pretending that they actually give a rip about their constituents. Pelosi has gotten very rich ever since joining Congress and the right-leaning media loves to point this out. Guess who else has been in Congress for a very long time and is also rich well-beyond their salary? Basically everyone!
I am no Pelosi supporter but at the same time I don't necessarily think she is really any better or worse than all the rest of them. They will pretend to the media that they are the good guys when the reality is they are all a club of bad guys regardless of what animal represents their political party. Hell, even that one guy with an (I) next to his name has made an absolute fortune off of doing absolutely nothing in his life other than continue to get re-elected to the Senate.
Nancy absolutely hated Trump. She made this no secret at all. In her famous tearing up of the State of the Union address it was there for all the world to see.
Given the opportunity, I am quite certain that conservative members of any office would do the same thing in reverse. Stop acting surprised when it is revealed that Nancy or anyone else isn't a saint and doesn't have the best interest of regular Americans at heart. If truth was revealed, we would probably find that most, if not all of them, are exactly the same.
Until Americans start to realize that all of their elected leaders are wolves in sheep's clothing we are never going to get good governance. I truly believe that we are well-beyond the point of no return as far as any notion of actual "good governance" is concerned.
The media is the true enemy here though. Until they start reporting in an unbiased way, stop manipulating statistics to make their team look good and the other bad, stop burying information that blemishes their side, and stops exaggerating about the other side people are going to remain entrenched in this never-ending back and forth. I wouldn't hold your breath on that ever happening though.