Portland is still rioting and look at that! The mayor's attitude towards it has changed!

in politics •  4 years ago 

Isn't it magical how quickly the mayor of the city and the governor of the state are willing to pull in the national guard now that they can no longer blame the actions of this mob on Trump?

You may recall about how both of these two were doing everything in their power to blame the civil unrest in their weird city on the President but now that it appears as though Trump is actually going to lose the election their response to the continued rioting is swift, although I would say not swift enough.


It had started to become so commonplace that the media stopped talking about it because even though rioting should be something that is very rare in any country, let alone the same city over and over, it started to appear as though it was just "part and parcel" of living in Portland now.

The masses grouped together in the street, presumably to start wrecking shit if Trump won a landslide victory and then when that didn't happen, the agitators decided "what the hell, let's just wreck shit anyway."


I live very far away from Portland and I am very happy that is the case. If this sort of stuff started happening where i live in Eastern North Carolina, where gun ownership percentages are very high, and concealed carry licenses abound, there would be a massive body count should something like this occur at all in my county.

I'm all about freedom folks and believe that if you want to protest that is on you. If you want to burn the flag that is your choice even though I hate that you would do that since all of these people that are doing just that have benefited immensely in their lives by living in one of the most prosperous countries in the world. But I draw the line and randomly wrecking shit that doesn't even have anything to do with what it is that you are protesting... and honestly, I don't even know what these folks are protesting anymore... do you? It was St. George Floyd at first, then it was anti-Trump, then it was anti-ICE, then it was.... hellifiknow.


The thing that got to me the most is that some of these goons started smashing up on a church that does a tremendous amount of community outreach including helping the poor and providing a free homeless shelter. Why on earth would anyone have a problem with that?

You can imagine my surprise (being sarcastic) that when this new wave of violence emerged that Mayor Wheeler and Governor Brown very quickly called in the national guard to help get the situation under control - which is just ironic as hell seeing as how the situation has been out of control for many many weeks but now all of a sudden it has become a priority.

If someone out there could explain to me exactly what it is that these rioters actually want, and whether or not these demands are ever attainable, I would love to know what that is. In the meantime I remain very happy that I live in an area where our population have respect for other people's property... or barring that, a very real fear that the 80% gun ownership in my community and some really loose laws on protecting your own property ensures that this can never happen here.

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