The media, predictably, is being extremely nice to Biden

in politics •  4 years ago 

Joe Biden isn't so great with the words that flow out of his mouth. Even in environments where he was almost certainly made aware of the questions before they arrive, he fails time and time again to deliver some sort of coherent response. He also constantly makes gaffes that have just become part of what we expect from the man. It is comedy gold, and it also exposes what we already knew and that is that the media is not using the same standards for Joe that they did for Donald, not by a long shot.


In a recent "town hall" style interview conducted by Biden fanboi Anderson Cooper, Biden said some pretty shocking things. One could argue that if Trump had said any of these things the internet and 90% of all media would be all over him like white on rice. They would taunt him for weeks, they would call for impeachment over his responses, the late-night talk show hosts would feign tears over the future of our country... yet despite this disasters half-assed Q&A session that was about as friendly as a media exchange can possibly be, the media is doing exactly the opposite and either ignoring what he said, or covering up for him stating that "he didn't really mean it that way" or "it is just another Biden gaffe."

Let's look at a few of the thing that Biden actually said during this town hall.

"Minorities... don't know how to use, know how to get online."

Can you imagine the immense blowback that Trump or really any conservative would face over such a comment? Joe, do you actually know any minorities? What is with this very racist statement that is founded in absolutely nothing. Everyone over the age of 3 or so knows how to get online and are probably online right now.

Did you ever five years ago think every second or third ad out of five or six should turn out to be biracial couples?"

First off, what the hell does this even mean? Second, why is this man injecting race into everything that he possibly can? Pushing the racism card over and over again and this time to the tune of something that can't be fact-checked because nobody even knows what the hell he is talking about. I don't even remember what the question was that prompted this response, but Joe is talking about how advertisers now use biracial couples in their advertisements - I think. I'm not sure, the people in attendance are not sure, I don't think Joe is sure.

This next one is probably the worst and if Trump has said anything even close to this in any interview the rage would have been fast and furious while the internet responded with a "REEEEEEEE" so loud you would be able to hear it in China

“I’m not gonna speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he’s doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China…culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow"

So Joe's response about rape, genocide, and concentration camps that are going on right now in China is that it is "cultural differences." Fantastic answer. Joe is already accused of having close personal ties with China and this one kind of showcases that.

Of course the liberal media simply chooses to not talk about this at all because they know that they could twist themselves into knots trying to defend any of these statements and more and still fail to do so. Their credibility is already in the toilet and that would take them even further down into the plumbing.


Do you remember that time that Trump made an off the cuff remark about how bleach kills Covid in scientific labs in seconds and then simply asked "why cant we do something like that?"

Of course you do, because the media went absolutely ape-shit over this and the next thing you know experts were on all the news stations talking about how dangerous it is to ingest bleach and how irresponsible it was for the president to suggest that people do that.... even though he didn't suggest that people do that. No reasonable person would interpret his statement as a suggestion that anyone do that. There are hundreds if not thousands of other instances where the media took everything they possibly could about what DJT said and intentionally took it out of context or even doctored videos to do everything they could to make the man look as bad as possible.

I don't know who this guy is, but he is right

Yet this same media, wont even talk about the horrible things that Biden says and instead focuses on how great his wardrobe is and how he goes to bed early after playing Mario Kart.

Get ready for 3.5 more years of this! This is why less than 50% of all Americans trust the media and less than 20% of conservatives do. Out of these 50 and 20 percenters, I think a lot of those folks rather than truly believing the media, just really like their media (echo-chamber) of choice.

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C'mon, man! He's got, you know, the thing.

versions of that statement will never get old to me.

let's not forget this gem..."poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids'

Oh the media never covered that at all. The only reason any of us know about it at all is because there are a few bloggers out there that talk about it. Imagine if Trump had said that? The media shitstorm would have been insane.