Where is the media when massive protests happen at current White House?

in politics •  9 months ago 

I don't really care who runs the country. Honestly, I wouldn't care if no one was running it and we just devolved to 50 independent countries. In many ways I feel as though that would get rid of a great deal of the unnecessary and out of control political bickering that happens constantly. People are so up in arms about the other side being terrible but at the same time both sides manage to accomplish absolutely nothing but get us further and further in debt as the years go by.

The thing that grinds my gears is how obviously biased the media is. There are so many instances of rather embarrassing instances with Biden and his administration, basically any time the guy talks, but if it weren't for independent journalists or just people that happened to be there with an I-Phone we wouldn't end up hearing about most of this stuff.

One of the things that is going on right now is that media blackout about the protests taking place outside Washington DC buildings including the White House where some of the fences have been damaged or destroyed.


I do NOT wish to talk about what is being protested here. I have my opinions and on this subject I will keep it to myself because getting into arguments with strangers on the internet has never accomplished anything for anyone ever. However, I think you already know what I am going to say here and while the media does make a blurb here and there about the fact that this is going on, when there was ever even a tiny demonstration at the White House when the Orange guy was in there, it was basically 24/7 coverage with experts and pundits being brought in with at least one person getting fake teary-eyed and calling for the President to resign over and over again.

With these protests, since they are directed towards a Democrat, the media doesn't really have an opinion and certainly don't dedicate hours and hours to wasting everyone's time talking about how he needs to resign because of some unruly people in the streets.

I don't even remember what the people were protesting when Trump was in office, like that he was in office at all. I do however recall quite a few instances where people got violent including staring a church on fire and the media tried to paint the picture that it was as if Trump was out there lighting the matches himself. They made a very big deal about the fact that DJT had to be evacuated to the nuke bunker under the White House and they could barely contain their glee about this happening.


You have to search pretty damn hard to find articles about these protests in DC, which is overwhelmingly democrat, to even know that it is happening. If you are looking for some sort of fair assessment or response from the Biden administration, you'll have to look even harder and even then you are probably going to get a pack of lies from a biased outlet that is in no way attempting to inform you, but is simply looking to brainwash their devoted audience even further.

This election year is going to be exciting for me because we will get yet another chance to see how extremely biased the media is and for those out there that still have blinders on I encourage you to pay a little bit of attention this time around and perhaps at least attempt to realize that your news outlet of choice is NOT telling the truth to you.

I get most of my information from Telegram groups that I am in and yes, I realize they are biased but it is just amusing to me that since one of them is liberal and the other is conservative that they will have the same story but come to totally different conclusions. I suppose this isn't surprising to anyone that bothers knowing these things. As far as mass media is concerned, I feel as though these organization are rightfully dying a slow but assured death. I know very few people that pay any attention to CNN / Fox / MSNBC but the ones that do are always the ones that are more steadfast in their hatred for the "other side."

I think we could all benefit by realizing that both sides are actually just one side and they are keeping the fire of hatred alive intentionally. The fact that they barely report on anything that Biden does is because of the fact that the people that already don't care for the guy would be the only ones that would poke fun at it and the people who are reluctantly supporting the guy do it only out of their passionate hatred for Trump.

I just find it upsetting that even after all of these years of being lied to with every breath that the media can muster, there are still people out there that believe that one side is truthful and the other is not.

I just wonder when the tear gas starts flying at the White House, will they accuse Biden of human rights violations like they did Trump? I wouldn't count on it.

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#newspeakliberalimmunity, what else? In 2020, their protests were "mostly" peaceful and caused 2G in damage

yep, i don't know what everyone is complaining about. that 2,000 dollars in damages is nothing compared to attempting to overthrow the entire US government :P

I meant 2 billion (G = giga)

The media controls the narrative, this is why I try to support smaller publishers and journalists.

keep doing that... and encourage others to do the same.