Misgendering; a new word and a new crime

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

A teacher has been suspended and risks losing his job after he accidentally called a transgender pupil a ‘girl’ in class when the student identifies as a boy.

Source: http://dailym.ai/2hrBbQt

Joshua Sutcliffe, 27, who teaches maths at a state secondary school in Oxfordshire, had no official instructions about how to address the student, but tried his hardest to always use the pupil’s chosen first name to make sure not to offend anyone.

When he noticed the girl and a friend working hard on their maths, he said Well done girls. Even though she ìs a girl, this could now cost the man the job he loves so much. Because this girl has decided she wants to be identified as a boy and making an honest ‘mistake’ not calling her them, they, their, him, his or some other made up politically correct nonsense, things are not looking great for this poor man.

When the pupil corrected him he apologised instantly but her - their - his parents then complained. He has now been suspended and summoned to a formal hearing to face charges for misgendering. He also faces claims that he is breaching equality policies.

Seriously? Not only is this a word that does not deserve to be a word, now it is also a CRIME?

Where did this gendercrap all come from, collectively and globally, all organised? This is not just happening without a reason. That’s not possible. Way too organised, way too fast spreading, way too much influence.

The basic fact that you are biologically either a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, a fact that could never be disputed, is now no longer a fact.

Misgendering is just another branch on the tree of destruction of our western culture and freedom. Think about it.

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What this little he/she f#cker (and his/her) retarded parents don't realize is that the surgery on this moron(esse) had or is gonna have, will probably be paid for with the taxmoney the teacher is paying/contributing.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Gender War(Jordan Peterson was right)

Careful @blondemvrouw, you might get flagged for saying such things. ;)

It's all rooted from the feminism movement, specifically from the third wave. By adding irrelevant personal agenda to the movement solely based on 'hurt feelings', it evolved into the crisis that's occurring now. You're absolutely right about the destruction of western culture and freedom. Emotions and feelings have more weight than fact and logic now. Everybody is a victim now.

They say that we should accept and support this movement, but you are only supporting and encouraging mental illness as the status quo. Also, they say accepting the gender movement encourages those to be "themselves" and live a happier life; the sad truth is the rate of suicide is increasing for them instead.

I am all for freedom and if a woman wants to identify herself as a man, please do, but leave me the F out of it and don’t start demanding stuff. And surely not with some made up legal phnishments. Misgendering, islamophobia, all made up nonsense to demand a special status.

Parents raising their children ‘gender neutral’ should not be parents at all. They are creating kids with mental illness. What a world it has become.

I think there is more to it than just the feminist movement. I agree the third wave would get punched in the face by the first wave feminists for destroying their legacy, but this gendercrap is bigger than that. The attack on our culture comes from so many different angles and levels, gendercrap is just a branch of the tree of destruction.

By the way: I am the type of girl that might get flagged for speaking her mind. But always by people who think their political insight is the only opinion that should be legal and people who are willing to destroy freedom of speech so they can finally win an argument without having to come up with facts, logic and reason.

We’ll just have to see what happens here on Steemit. I’m excited nonetheless ;)

Getting sacked from a place like that will turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

These clowns are making fools out of themselves and they don't realise it yet. If they continue deluding themselves, the consequences will be dire.

Why associate with this?

This rational teacher will be better off away from these clowns!

Upvoted and followed!

Is that the school kids go to to become sad cry-babies? These days only form seems to matter, because there is no subject-matter or it's (made) completely irrelevant, because of missing context (or some hidden agenda). I am going to walk my dog. Goodnight Blondemevrouw!