Classical Liberalism 101: A Distinction

in politics •  7 years ago 

I personally consider myself both a classical liberal (hence the name of this series) and a libertarian, though perhaps tending towards minarchist, rather than purely anarchist views, as I believe there are three legitimate roles of government: policing, legislating, and protecting the nation from foreign invasion, more or less. I think, however, that I may have discovered a link that both anarchists and minarchists can agree on. I can only call myself a minarchist if the government is by the consent of the people. And if it is by the consent of the people, then it is voluntary association, and could hardly be called (or recognized under the term) government.


Anyway, please read this article, which gives a pretty good definition of Classical Liberalism. What do you peeps out there think? Libertarians, classical liberals, anarchists, centrists, statists? Comment below!

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My focus has been so caught up in the shenanigans of the federal government for a couple of decades now. I used to believe there were elected officials at that level that truly were wanting to govern in a way that would benefit those who sent them there. Surely, there must be one or two! I think my Pollyanna status has expired when it comes to this subject.

State and local government, while more attuned to a community's needs, I fear is no better. Can it be possible that all politicians are bought and paid for, least enough of them that the true servants will be rendered ineffective?

I just want to live where I want to live, sell my art and not worry about how many laws I am breaking trying to make a living, know that the food that I am buying is not poisoning me and be free to roam the earth. What category does that fall into? I think I am basically saying f@&* the government. Oops, gotta go...I am hearing the black helicopters coming for me! 😉

P.S. Love that surprise to you, I'm sure.

Sounds like the slow ascent to enlightenment to me ;)

You know me and my slow ascents. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get busy printing my "Taxation is Theft" t-shirts. I may even expand to handbags and wallets which seems much more appropriate. ;)

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Distinguishing Classical Liberalism From Liberalism
Our Purpose

Thank you!

Here the role of the government is particularly prominent.

Where is that, Sagor?

3 best steps!

I don't get it.