The part my country, Canada, has played in this most recent and blatant attempt at regime change, based on mostly lies and misinformation, is truly shameful. It is always the resource rich nations or countries that are viewed as potential competitors that spur the propaganda organs of the current hedgemon to spew some concocted stinking half truth that is lapped up by its lap dog vassals and regurgitated again for their own populace to consume. This provokes real actions that undermine the sovereignty of the nation targeted and always produces outcomes that are worse for the people of that nation. All this to satisfy the greed for power and wealth of a few riding the wild and senseless hegemonic beast. As you say so well, “if the world understood sovereignty “, but, I think that seems to be difficult, even within the participating lackey countries, otherwise, there would be more yellow vests on the streets.
I can understand why there is so much negative response to my comments, however, please take some time and look at why, no matter how poorly express my opinion is, the reason for my disgust. Here is a place to start: