Forcing transparency on the government.

in politics •  3 months ago 


I've said we're at the precipice of forcing transparency on the government, and that those in power want to hide and obfuscate everything from us to keep getting away with the insanity they do.

Elon is the opposite of that as he makes everything transparent that he does. His code for Tesla is open source and all of his competitors could use it freely if they wanted to accelerate their autonomous driving capabilities.

Posting what's being cut in the government is going to be so entertaining, and infuriating!

Getting the Diddy and Epstein lists will be crushing for so many in power, too.

And the fact that McConnell wants to do a secret vote today for the Speaker proves how corrupt power has become.

The purging is going to be so amazing to watch.

My wildest dream has always been to turn the NSA inward, on all politicians, and post their calls, emails, and meeting recordings publicly for maximum transparency. Can you imagine how fast the rats would flee if that level of transparency existed?

The crooks that go into politics to get rich would be exposed for the traitors they are and the public would demand their prosecution at every turn.

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