Are you hyping Dominaria or is it a bubble that will pop on release?

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

What do you guys think about this new set coming out next month? Dominaria is supposed to be created with the help of Richard Garfield, the original creator of the game. There is a lot of hype for this set, is it real or just hot air? I haven't been too impressed with the last year of sets. Here are some things I noticed from a quick glance of the spoilers out.

I'm not sure how I feel about the historic mechanic. Seems redundant to existing mechanics, nothing new.

I kind of like the saga cards, they should be fun in draft. Will they last past the set or even see standard play? Who knows. It looks like some weird level up mechanics from a couple years ago.

Judge me all you want, but I loved Fallen Empires. The cards may have sucked, and there are maybe 3 cards from the whole set that stand the test of time (all still under or around a $1). Although, I loved the flavor and story from that set. I loved homarids and saprolings. I loved having to manage thousands of counters for one card. I'm glad to see homarids coming back.

Saprolings confirmed! My favorite tokens. This is reason alone I will force myself to play this set, no matter how bad it is.

This card looks like it could be abused. There are ways to flicker creatures indefinitely. I'm sure the set up required doesn't mean this is going to see play, but if someone can find a way in standard it would be funny.

Llanowar Elves are back! As an uncommon?...

This uncommon looks like a bomb if I've ever seen one in draft or sealed. If I saw this I would force green/white.

game ender for draft. Put this on a creature with evasion. Game over.


Mox Amber? Really? Make a new Mox? I want a foil for my collection, I guess.

Overall, I'm excited to play homarids and saprolings. I like the saga cards and question the historic cards. I hope the nostalgia makes up for the lackluster mechanics introduced. I wish they would have done a true second Timespiral instead of a half-asssed throwback to a select few sets. I know the art is going to be as puritanical as other current sets, but who would it hurt to have at least one attractive woman on a card? I hope they bring back Serra Angel with relatively original art.

What do you think? Are you hyping Dominaria?

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I wont be buying any Dominaria as I dont play anymore but Im always interested in the new cards and mechanics. LLanowar Elves has been printed to the moon and back, but now its Uncommon? I really dont like it when they change the commonality of cards. I noticed on MtGStocks that this set seems to have some value, some of the rares are worth something.

I think its strange when cards get printed in higher rarity, they must consider Llanowar Elves as higher powered in this meta. In the last year they have rated most sets as having some kind of value, but it drops a week or two after release every time. I feel bad for the people dupped into pre-ordering singles that lose value so fast.

I'm excited for it! I've gotten really into Ixalan and Rivals lately, so I might back off for a little while and give my bank account a break, but there are definitely some cards that I'm excited to see. I haven't been around long enough to know if all of the new mechanics / rulings have been done before, so I'm excited to see how they play out.

I went to the prerelease of Rivals and was so angry they reprinted cards in the same block. How lazy can you get in R&D? The artwork is so puritanical and boring too. I think the factions forced you into seeing the same decks at draft. No value in the set either, felt like Hours level low value. I took a 2 month break since then.