“We Want To Keep The Oil”

in politics •  5 years ago 

"Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand,
workin' in the dark against your fellow man.
But as sure as God made black and white
what's down in the dark will be brought to the light."
~ Johnny Cash/traditional, 'God's Gonna Cut You Down'

The Grayzone has an excellent new article out titled "US troops are staying in Syria to ‘keep the oil’ – and have already killed hundreds over it" detailing the many ways the Trump administration has openly admitted that it is keeping US troops in Syria to control the nation's oil fields so that the Syrian government can't use it to fund reconstruction efforts.

“We’ve secured the oil, and therefore a small number of US troops will remain in the area where they have the oil,” Trump said in a recent press conference. “And we’re going to be protecting it. And we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.”

“We want to keep the oil,” Trump said in a cabinet meeting a few days earlier. “Maybe we’ll have one of our big oil companies to go in and do it properly.”

“A purpose of those [US] forces, working with the SDF, is to deny access to those oil fields by ISIS and others who may benefit from revenues that could be earned,” said Defense Secretary Mark Esper. As Grayzone's Ben Norton accurately explains, "and others" necessarily means the Syrian government; preventing Assad from accessing Syrian oil is standing US military policy.

And that of course is the real reason US armed forces constantly remain in Syria despite all the empty babble about ending wars and bringing home the troops: it's about control over a nation in a key geostrategic location which refuses to be absorbed into the blob of the US-centralized empire. Controlling its material wealth is an ideal way to do this.

Whenever I write about oil as a primary motive for US imperialism, I always get a bunch of right-wingers objecting that that makes no sense because the US has plenty of oil, and that it's really about freedom and democracy or communism or Zionism or pedovore cults or Illuminati or whatever. What they miss, in their squirming attempts to avoid cognitive dissonance, is that it's not about having and consuming oil, it's about controlling oil. Control what governments can and cannot access crucial resources, and you can control which governments thrive and which ones don't.

As Trump said, "We’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.” In no other international power dynamic would this be considered a rational thing for anyone to say. The idea of another nation invading Texas and seizing control of its oil fields and then Xi Jinping or whomever saying "We're controlling their oil and we'll be deciding what we're going to do with it in the future" is unthinkable, but a US president can just come right out and say this about a weaker nation and it won't even be front-page news.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Donald Trump is the most honest US president of all time. By that I don't mean that he's an honest person; he of course lies constantly. I simply mean that while his predecessors have always made sure to dress their imperialist military campaigns up as benevolent humanitarian intercessions, Trump just stands there out in the open like "Yeah we grabbed their oil and it's ours now, blow me." There was once a time when claiming a war was really about oil got you branded a conspiracy theorist. Now the US president just outright says it.

And this is really the only reason establishment power structures dislike Trump. They don't feel directly threatened by him, they just dislike the way he's always saying the quiet part out loud. Status quo power has a vested interest in keeping a smiling mask on things and preventing people from thinking too hard about what's really going on in the world, and Trump keeps ripping off that mask by telling everyone what he's doing in plain English.

Revolution (the real kind, the kind that actually changes things) is ultimately a fight against psychological compartmentalization on a mass scale. Compartmentalization is a tool people use to avoid the psychological discomfort (aka cognitive dissonance) that would otherwise be experienced by trying to hold on to two conflicting positions at one time, like, for example, seeing yourself as a good person and simultaneously giving your government your tacit permission to murder strangers on the other side of the world in your name.

Establishment power works to prevent people from looking directly at the ugly aspects of the empire, like the horrific nature of what war is and how much their country spreads it, or the fact that so many have so little while a few others have so very much, or the reason their government doesn't seem to operate the way they were taught in school. The empire has a vested interest in keeping these things in the dark, while the clear-eyed rebel is always trying to drag them kicking and screaming into the light. This is why truth-tellers and whistleblowers are always made public enemy number one by our rulers.

The true rebel fights to enlighten things, the empire fights to endarken them. This is the struggle from the largest power structures in our world, right down to our own inner lives as individual human beings. This is why I talk so much about the importance of inner work; it's all one struggle, from the evil secrets hidden behind thick walls of government opacity all the way down to the parts of ourselves we try not to look at. Your efforts to become a more consciously integral and less compartmentalized human being are just as important as your efforts to expose the puppet strings to the audience.

As November 2020 draws nearer the screams to shut up and stop pointing at the truth are going to get louder and louder for political dissidents in America, even louder than the "shut up and fall in line" admonishments that Bernie-or-Busters received constantly in 2016. This will only be the voice of the empire yelling "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" It will only be those who are still plugged into the imperial narrative matrix transforming into a bunch of Agent Smiths and telling you to stop saying things which cause them cognitive dissonance.

But, for someone who has signed the truth-at-all-costs contract within themselves, this simply won't be an option. Our desire to bring what's dark into the light will overcome any pressure to keep things endarkened, whether it be in ourselves, in our relationships, in our society, in our government, or in our world. Followed through with in a deep and integral way, it changes the way we think, it changes the way we experience our own consciousness, it alters our behavior, it ruins our experience of news media and Hollywood blockbusters, it ends our marriages, it breaks up longstanding friendships and forges new ones, and it makes the deceptions of the powerful utterly intolerable. Truth come what may means truth come what may, and it's a lifetime commitment.

We wouldn't have it any other way.

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Our desire to bring what's dark into the light will overcome

Yes it will just not in the way you and people like Assad, Russia, Turkey envision it. For them yes we are going to change the way people think and experience things....the very people who've for hundreds of years have been denied from experiencing the tranquility and fortunes afforded to others on the basis of their beliefs.
There was never any easy answers here Caitlin, answers that for decades have been long overdue. When the decision making has always been skewed advantageously then as Trump said about the YPG the other day, it was time for an attitude adjustment....in my opinion these current arrangements, whether you, Assad, Russia or Turkey like them, it is their new attitude adjustment and it's about finding solutions that have been broken for a long, long time now. Everyone is swallowing part of the bitter pill right now.

I've been saying this for quite some time now and the fact we are seeing very little resistance going on here sort of confirms what I've been saying. The US could have never been on both sides of the fence in finding resolve to these issues. It was crucial Russia played the big bad wolf on the other side. This kind of cooperation between two major forces in the world to find a resolve is historically unheard of. Though the media has never painted it that way underneath it all, in my opinion, is exactly what's being drawn out here.

Baby steps, patty slapping that leads to attitude adjustments is way better than watching people continue on hating and genocide that has stood for thousands of years.

You take that part and see what you can do with it and I'll take this part and see what I can do with it....just maybe one day, hopefully, fingers crossed, we'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

The idea of another nation invading Texas and seizing control of its oil fields and then Xi Jinping or whomever saying "We're controlling their oil and we'll be deciding what we're going to do with it in the future" is unthinkable,

They are already doing this to the USA. Why do you think we aren't allowed to develop our oil fields. Someone is holding them in reserve and NOT for US citizens. What about Rare Earth Element mining? We used to have REE mines in the US and someone made a treaty with China that we wouldn't do this mining any more and China would corner the market. What about coal mining? We have many clean ways to burn coal and yet corrupt politicians are coming up with reasons why we can't mine it. What about US steel production? It's been outsourced to China and if we try to back away with have economic warfare.

What about water? The UN wants to control our water and sell the rights to "globalist" corporate entities.

The Obama administration sold 10% of our Uranium to Russia and also tried to sell the Port of Long Beach to China.

Just about every natural resource in the USA is not controlled by the USA. And you call the USA an "empire". All we have is the military.