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John Bolton is the biggest chicken hawk there is.

What could possibly go wrong....

If things go wrong and some Russian troops get killed in a retaliation strike from the US it could lead to WWIII.

We have a history of leaving nations we don't like in total carnage in the name of 'liberation'. I had thought Trump was going to correct Obama's literally chaotic mistakes, I still hope so but that hope dwindles every day. Then there's also the possibility of World War III

Remeber the incubators?

The whole Gaddafi thing sent a pretty clear message. Don't mess with the US dollar or you might get sodomized to death on TV.

Apparently Syria managed to keep western culture out out of the country for a long time. They had their own national brands and products. They didn't let in the corporate giants from the US. There was religious freedom.

They are way worse off now than they ever were before.


syria 40.jpg