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One cannot win an emotional debate with logic or facts. We live in a post fact society. Decades of fluoridation and social engineering are now paying off.
The cabal uses- now legal - propaganda to emotionally manipulate the dumbed down sheeple. The morons now are demanding the removal of their rights. Sad.

Incredibly sad :(

Great video. YouTube has an algorithm from hell. I went to BitChute after the "purge" when they took down my channel in two days because I dared to post videos criticizing David Hogg and already have about 800 subscribers in about a month. I never got that many on YouTube. I'm not getting the same traction here, but DTube is a different animal altogether.

The activist class campaigning for the forfeiture of our 2nd amendment right seem to forget that this will NOT stop evil in mankind. People will still commit murder whether or not a legislative bill puts a restriction on the tools.

They've become well-trained tantrum throwers at this point; whatever their talking heads tell them to go and chant about, they will.

I wish somebody would cover all the mass-knifings going on in Japan and China where they dont have public access to guns.

The main pain point I have about the gun debate is that both sides want the same thing in the end safer streets and better protection

Like it’s so much exhausted energy debating people who don’t have the facts and people are acting against their own best interests

No voting power, but double thumb's up on this production.

Idiots. They're all a bunch of stupid idiots. I'm rethinking my position on requiring voters to pass an intelligence test prior to being able to cast a vote. They all want to say somebody ought to do something but it's never them willing to do it. They can't, but somebody else should, ridiculous.

Still wondering why they need those guns.

As was laid out extremely clearly in the video (did you watch it?), the writers of the constitution had just spent years defending themselves against a tyrannical, corrupt government, and wanted to make sure that the people would be able to defend themselves next time it happened.

very nice post,,,it was very informative..

Hey Carey! Have you ever thought of uploading your videos on DLive?

You shouldn't need guns, of any type. The police shouldn't even be armed with them, just like the UK bobby give them a big stick and a funny hat. So long as you trust your government to... wait... trust the US government.. Hmm.. I suddenly see a massive flaw in my logic. Ya know what, just go out and get the biggest damn guns you can find. You're going to need em !

Oi Bruv! Watcha dooin over there bein sarcastic and such without a sarcasm license?

I think the collaboration with Justin worked well, which is strange considering that it was done indirectly.

First of all I truly believe as an Americans we should have the Right to protect our Families and loved ones anyone possible. And that includes the Right to own a Gun if you are a law abiding citizen. All for that !!

But that being said I just do NOT understand even in the slightest the Obsession with people and their Guns ?? It just not make sense to me.

I think a lot of it has to do with Fear of the World. And I think many gun lovers are just sooo fearful oft those people outside of their Tribe. I mean they have to take a gun to the store ,to Sunday School, to PTA meeting etc..etc..

Where does this madness stop ?? What is makeing you people so gawd damn scared of the World ??

And this same group of scaredy cats goes off on the Left calling them "snowflakes". Rather ironic don't ya think LOL