Whitewashing the truth on Grenfell Tower

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday, The National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications (RSOE) website had 538 down as their official missing persons figures for London´s Grenfell tower fire disaster. I shared this on my Twitter account.

"Official statistics of RSO Event report on #GRENFELL. Missing 538, dead 30, tell the truth dead 570" https://twitter.com/SBKRadio

I then sent these statistics on Twitter to Theresa May and the BBC, Press TV, RT and JCorbyn. However, today the Whitewashing has started as I just visited the RSOE website this morning to check the statistics for any changes and was shocked to see they changed the missing persons number from 538 to 0.

Captura de pantalla completa 18062017 85749.jpg

Luckily, I had saved the original website statistics from yesterday, so you can compare 538 to zero today, always make sure you save these sorts of webpages when you do your research, because someone has edited this figure between then and now for a reason. I also saw this morning that the update date was the 18th of June, but since writing this it has changed back to the 14th, I didn't have time to do a screen capture for the updated date today, they were far too quick with their whitewash.

Many Londoners from the area are very aware that the official numbers are being manipulated and the government will not publish the real death toll, but people are not stupid, you cannot report 538 people missing and when there is still no trace of them after one of the worst fires we have had in London, ignore the fact that there were over 500 people in Grenfell building at the time of the fire, they must have died in the 15 minute torrent fire, that swept through Grenfell tower.

This government must pay attention to the thousands of voices that are demanding an Inquest into the Grenfell tragedy, not a public inquiry, the tragedy cannot be blamed entirely on the plastic cladding which was only for the benefit of those wealthy property developers in the area that complained about it being an eyesore. Grenfell Action Group association continued to warn the council and the government that the building was a fire risk and they tirelessly campaigned for safety improvements so that Grenfell would no longer be a fire risk, however this was consistently ignored by the Tories and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea for five years.

This time 538 lives have yet to be declared dead rather than ignored or hidden, it is a disgrace that the RSOE website edited the number of missing to zero but the death toll is still only officially 30? We can see that there are not 500 people lining up for food and shelter, so where did they go missing to?

The true official statistics need to be confirmed not hidden, so friends and relations of Grenfell´s dead can try to move forward after such a huge preventable tragedy.

What you can do: if you have updated information on the official dead and missing is go to the Gathrer website and update or add your new statistics. http://gathrer.com Captura de pantalla completa 18062017 104531.jpg

Sign the Petition Please or write directly to Parliament and demand an inquest, lets not let the whitewashing continue, this government has already tried to bury so much, those involved need to be held accountable. Thank you and please pass on. http://www.parliament.uk/get-involved/contact-your-mp/

by Carlita Shaw

Author of

The Silent Ecocide- A crisis of human consciousness
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Bodies Everywhere bodies everywhere.jpg

There is an enormous cover up of the dead going on here.

Hundreds have died. This is possibly Britain's largest post-war disaster.

This will be a scandal, and tensions are brewing.

It seems the council switched insurers just 3 months before the fire.