We don't speak anymore in America

in politics •  6 years ago 

We don't speak anymore in America.

I cannot say that I am young anymore.
I cannot say I have the time to spare anymore
I do not have time for bubble gum conversation.
I want conversations that make you pace around the square footage surrounding you.
I want you to listen to sounds you hear when the power goes out.
I don't care who you are.
If you fill the silent air with honest responses

I don't have anymore time left for the television.
I don't have time left anymore for politics as usual.
I have to take the risk of being real.
I never just fell in line with anything in my entire life.
I do not see any logic in starting a zombie life.

Change doesn't start from the top.
It is those people at the top who will tell it can never be done.
It is those people who will lie to you.
It is those people who will tell you are crazy.
It is those people who will tell you are stupid.
It is those people who will tell you to take a pill for your bad mood.
I don't have time for those people.
-for those without real thought. -for those who do not give a shit about shit

I don't have the time left to be quiet.
You've always been suspicious of me being quiet

I do not have time for your complaints.

Everybody hears you.

It's like a constant high pitched whine of white noise

I will not apologize that I interrupt your Facebook news-feed with something other than a repost or a funny gif.
I live here.
In a country that doesn't hold themselves accountable anymore for actions across the globe.
The figure heads lie to us.
They have made it clear in the last year that they do not care about us. Hell the last 50 years they've made that clear.

I do not have time to vote for a corporate Democrat.
I do not stand with a political party that turns a blind eye to fraud.
I do not stand with those who believe a reality star can make America great again.
I will not vote for Trump or Clinton.
I will not be okay with more of the same charade.

I am not okay with the state of our Democracy.
I do not call myself a proud American as a result of the above.
I do not believe we should promote democracy across the globe when we have no idea what it means in our own country.

Corporations and big money donors don't give a fuck about you or I.
They don't give a fuck if you are a Democrat or a Republican, Independent, Green, Libertarian or a No party voter.
The only thing big money cares about is keeping us apart.
In trivial little spats.
If we stay divided
Evil wins.

I will leave you with two questions.

How are you getting fucked?
Who do you blame?


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