This is How You Get Four More Years of Trump

in politics •  7 years ago 

This is how you get four more years of Trump. Act like an angry mob filled with convenient and selective outrage. Violence and threats are definitely the answer too.

People will get tired of the hypocrisy coming out of your mouths, the way you go about your "protest" (bullying, politically motivated threats and violence), and most importantly your inability to act rationally when faced with new information, alternative views or, and this will be the worse:

Someone who's views are consistent.

I see this with true liberals being called "alt-right" for supporting free speech or Trump's summit with North Korea. Just because now it's Trump and the Red Team

You are seeing this with immigration now. I feel horrible for this policy that is playing out. But I'm straight tired of hearing about the outrage and inhumanity of this policy from people who never stepped foot on a public sidewalk to protest ANYTHING during the last 8 years. It swings back and forth.

This immigration issue isn't new. It hasn't just appeared with Trump. Just the media coverage has started. He talks about it more. Immigration is part of his platform.

But horrible shit has been going on. Not in secret. If you cared two years ago, you would have researched it.

If you seem to clutch your pearls about an issue just around the time Anderson Cooper starts talking about it, people are gonna see through you.

There is a large community of consistent, principled people (with different principles) who are drowned out by the mobs of angry, tribal, emotional know-nothings.

This leads to a breakdown in discourse. Only in that setting is the hypocrisy of supporting a private business owner from refusing service to Sanders because you literately shake all day because Trump is president, while demanding a bigoted business owner bake a cake left unchallenged. Better yet, I'm a racist and a homophobic person just for pointing out a logical fallacy.

Can't have it both ways, unless you're a hypocrite. And that gets old after 4 years of screaming bloody murder.

NOTE: Personal Stance on I.C.E - Abolish ICE since 2007.

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Sooner or later the rest of the people will realize the irrational behavior of these individuals who lead the protests.

Hopefully by November.

From the looks of things white girls are retarded. Without ICE who will enforce immigration and customs laws?

Once we also abolish most of the double-digit federal law enforcement and military agencies, we can put these duties in the hands of the more streamlined enforcement wing of the federal government.

Ok, so you want to create an entirely new bureaucracy? Department of Homeland Security 2?

I don't want to create anything. But since we don't live in a libertarian utopia, I would abolish the current federal agencies and streamline the whole process. Giving border control to the states would be good. But that also is not a reality.

The most important and essential job of the federal government is to prevent foreign invasion and do customs and immigration enforcement, ICE should probably be the only federal law enforcement agency, that a Navy and an agency to regulate interstate commerce.

When I listen to one of those people who go to the protests.

I've had some dialogue success on the internet (steem), but generally this is why I live on a mountain.

How's the podcast coming?

Podcast is good. Posted an episode on here over the weekend.