The Story of the Year ... You Will Not Believe It, But Starting in 2015, the Government Starting Spying on the GOP

in politics •  5 years ago

Read the .pdf letter from Butina's attorney to DOJ. The SOB (Strzok, McCabe, Comey) ran an operation to introduce the Russian gal to Republican candidate in order to run a counter-intelligence operation on the candidates. And then they prosecuted Butina. In the mean time the media was telling us about Russian collusion. It was all a set up. It's all B.S. Everyone involved in the intel community, FBI, DOJ ... they need to be prosecuted. Jailed. Shamed. And the media, some of whom as still pedaling the B.S. need to be reminded what journalism is supposed to be about (facts, not narratives). They are hacks.


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