Why is California dead set against Protecting its Residents?

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)


Jerry Brown has Been an Unmitigated Disaster to California Residents' Safety

When it comes to actively sabotaging steadily and consistently lowering crime rates, Jerry Brown and every representative that supported and lobbied for AB109 "Criminal Justice Alignment", Prop 47 the "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act", and Prop 57 the "Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016" get an A+. If you rate them on their concern for public Safety and the effect of their efforts, they deserve and F-.

Why would I put this in such strong terms? Because they knew what they were doing by releasing criminals into the public and selling their plan as improving safety. Jerry Brown spent millions of his campaign coffers to promote these attacks on the public while advertising them to the public as public safety improvements. Californians have suffered as a result of the attack on their safety.

Forget to Register Your Gun - You are a Felon; Steal a Gun Valued less than $900: misdemeanor

The (I won't say unintended because I believe they were fully intended) consequences of these laws are huge increases crime rates (both petty and violent) and ridiculous scenarios that allow habitual criminals to run rampant and law abiding residents to become criminals.

Imagine if you purchase a gun from your friend, you get busy and forget to register the gun. If you are caught in possession of the unregistered gun, you are now potentially a felon. If you stole the very same gun in a burglary, you may have only committed a misdemeanor, depending upon the value of the gun.

This is completely possible (and quite probable) in California. Keep in mind this is not an accident, but their intent. These laws moved 40,000 felons form prison to Jail. That required almost every person sitting in jail (usually for a misdemeanor) to be replaced with a felon. It also reduced the penalties for many crimes.

Releasing Convicted Criminals Early into the public and Lowering Penalties for Crimes does not Increase Safety

These politicians argued that releasing criminals early and reducing sentences for "non-violent" crime will somehow make the public safer. It has actually resulted in quite the opposite and foreseeable effect. It's like saying I will add more fuel and oxygen to this fire and make it smaller. Nobody with above a 4th grade education could argue that with a straight face, unless they are a state-wide elected official.

Somehow in the mystical world of Sacramento, putting a knife to a woman's throat and (only) threatening her with rape, but not raping her is "nonviolent". Anyone with a mother, wife, sister, or daughter (or a rational human being) would argue otherwise. Not Jerry and his dutiful servants.

Why do I write this? California voters need to wake up and stop sending these crazy people to Sacramento. Vote no on any Proposition that wasn't actually grass-roots. It there is any single donation over $5,000 it is probable not worth passing.









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