March 22nd 2022 to 22nd March 2023
The year continued from last year’s agendas. The on going war in Ukraine is being pushed by the legacy Mainstream Cooperate media that this is a war against an evil dictator ( in this case Putin). My stance is that all the players, whichever side are actors on the stage of international affairs. The producers and directors are behind the camera, writers are creating the dialogue and stage directors are creating the scene for the audiences CONsumption, CON because those pulling the strings are obviously controlling all country leaders. The agenda is the same one world government with complete digital control of our lives, whether it is finance, freedom of movement, controlling our consumption or freedom of association. They are power hungry and the last few years they have become frantic to put in place the agenda into full fruition. Because although they have pressed forward, across the world, with the implementation of Central bank digital currencies, Climate change net zero hoax, the war agenda; they have killed many people with the war and vaccine pharmaceutical agenda’s. Despite, their somewhat successful attempts to cripple the world food supply lines by this year burning down storage and manufacturing centres. Their success has meant more and more of the world population are becoming aware of their on-going plan and they are fighting back. In parliaments across the world and in the media a small minority of once supporters of the therapeutic jab are raising concerns and whistle-blowers are coming thick and fast from governments and industry. Had Pifzer not been so powerful financially they would have gone bust with the amount of leaks regarding the inadequacy of their trials and the Veritas media leaks where one Pifzer executive stated that they were carrying out gain of function experiments, but was calling it “Directed evolution”. This semantic trick would allow them to continue mutating a virus for future profits.
IN the UK Andrew Brigden MP and Christopher Chope MP are the first two UK MPs to ask for a halt to these Vaccines this month Bridgen made his second speech to a empty house of commons laying out the detailed flaws and crimes of the Lockdown and subsequent vaccine rollout. As soon as he started to question the Pandemic narrative and the vaccines he was hit with the usual slurs specifically anti-Semitism, but his Jewish supporters to the wind out of that slur. Excessive deaths are higher now across the world than any other time in the last three years. Not a word about it from the mainstream Cooperate media. A British cardiologist, Aseem Malhotra once support the jab but is now lobbying to stop the jab programme. The ‘died suddenly’ headline is becoming ubiquitous and is being blamed on anything but the therapeutics jab, Healthy sports and public figures are collapsing on the field or in the TV studios and it is just being normalised by the Cooperate media. Defibrillators are being installed in public places and in all schools, because the young and health are regularly having sudden heart attacks and it is being blamed on anything but the Jab. The jab injured are being ignored by state and support agencies and the pharmaceutical companies are still ignoring all the dangers of this jab.
Moving on, this month we suffered the inevitable collapse of banks , Silicon Valley Bank, and the 167 year old ‘Credit Sussie’ (plus more less significant banks but very important to the overall picture) which were swiftly both bailed out with a central bank new round of Quantitive Easing (QE = Money printing). Also the FTX investment company collapsed and the fraud involved using depositor funds to fund the Ukraine government while giving the USA president Joe Biden and his family a financial commission.
I can say that this year April 2022 to March 2023 was the final nail in the dollars demise from world reserve currency states. Countries of the world are dropping then dollar and petro dollar standard international trade is being carried out without the need for a dollar reserve. This was of course facilitated by including the Chinese Yuan in the reserve basket of currencies a five or six years ago. As such we are moving forward into very unstable times for the USA and the World west of Central Asia. The trillions of currency circulating in the world will be repatriated to USA causing many problems. The main problem is not inflation but decline living standards and the way that decline is managed without the power of the world reserve currency and what effect it will have on the rest of the world is a point of concern. The idea of a CBDC is possibly a good way to creating a domestic dollar that can be printed to infinite and hold at bay any possible social unrest. But this will only work along with a surveillance component. Because prices will rise and industry will not be ready to create the jobs need. In other words a neo-feudal system is what will become of the Western world with the Digital Currency and the digital ledger acting as a type of modern day Enforcer in the digital world keeping us all in our place.
This year CBDC as part of the developing control grid has piloted the system in a few more countries, so it is not just the USA it is everywhere they are trying to implement the system. But notably the pilot failed in Nigeria. The people refused to download the app on their mobile phone and the government had to meet the demand for cash and increase the supply of physical cash. South Africa is at the early stage but I cannot say at the moment if it will fail but I am hoping it will. States in the USA are passing legislation to introduce the CBDC in their state. Notably Florida is the only State proactively against the rollout for now.
The UK has begun the process of implementation and I predict after the UK 2024 election the UK will try to rollout the phone app to facilitate full implementation. They are slowly run national trials of alert systems to every mobile phone in the country, the next due on the 23rd April 2023. You have to acknowledge the alert to gain normal access to your phone. This is another example of behaviour modification , to nudge the population to use CBDCs when it comes.
Along with the CBDC control mechanism the governments are coordinating with vigour smart cities which have been rebranded 15 minute districts. In the UK Oxford was the first such city in the UK but not the last. However it is being rolled out across USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and a number of Mainland European countries. These districts will observer your movements to ensure you do not break carbon emission laws. The UK has expanded the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) using a grid of surveillance and sanctions. Making it difficult to move freely in a car. The eventual aim is to have cars with surveillance and remote use capabilities so they can be immobilised at the behest of the state or cooperation’s .
So much is going on as the powers that are not (TPTAN) try to put in place the control grid while they collapse the financial system ready for the solution of administrative centralisation. They have had notable success but they have had to back pedal on the disastrous forced vaccination to the point they are saying that they made mistakes during the pandemic. But we who know, Know that they made no mistakes, it was carefully planned to rollout a so called vaccine that would reduce the population and reduce government liabilities. It was a financial decision to kill citizens of the world. Just like the war is partly a financial decision as the number of dead is mounting across the world in all the on-going conflicts.
In my small circle I am seeing a significant number of friends and family die of cancer and that is directly in line with the increase in worldwide excess deaths. Some may say it’s a coincidence, but I don’t. I am optimistic that those who understand that they are in a war will have strategies to survive and thrive without overbearing autocratic control, but this will take time to implement such counter strategies.
We win when we know what they are up to and when we know the power within us.