The Conflicts of Creating an Psychotic Christian Antagonist

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thou Shall Kill Thy Neighbor

While the white offended men crying their crocodile tears and create petitions online to show what a pity it is that they do not get an umpteenth games that appeal to themselves, I get noticeably more hyped. Suddenly, there is a bunch of hope, a hope of something amazing. I guess that Far Cry 5 has become one of the games I am looking forward most to next year.


So what is it that caught my interest? Is it that I finally get to play through an entire Far Cry game in co-op from the beginning to the end? No, but it's definitely a bonus. Is it because I finally get to play a female protagonist? No, not that either, even if is of course welcomed as it might draw more girls to gaming. Locking the protagonist to a sex has never been necessary in a Far Cry game, yet Ubisoft has created an unnecessary restriction where it was not needed. Perhaps it is because the Ubisoft expressed that it was too hard to animate women (which of course was bullshit). It will not be too expensive for Ubisoft then? Anyway, I have always enjoyed the titles and don't really care about gender, just noting that its quite an ludicrous excuse.


"How dare they paint Christianity in such a bad light? I need to stop this shit so nobody can ever play it." - Angry Offended Christian Man

Neither of these two reasons, however, is the reason to why the white men feeling violated are indignantly calling for the boycott of Far Cry 5. It is of course because the antagonist is a white, extremist Christian cult leader. It does not fit into their worldview at all. For them it is the Muslims or other dark-skinned cultures that needs to be shot down. In their own filtered bubble, there is of course no room for the idea that they belong to the group whom accounts for one of the most frightening society impacts of them all. I think it's a great liberation that Ubisoft puts their finger on a political pulse and dare to give us this kind of antagonist.


In an ideal world Far Cry 5 would also offer a tremendously important social statement, but I think unfortunately it's too much to ask that it will be received and absorbed in this modern era. The game will probably give us the exact same experience as in previous games. Whining that it requires other ethnicities than whites to shoot not only demonstrates a tremendous lack of humanity, but it shows a fundamental lack of understanding about what kind of game Far Cry is. The wicked pursuit of banning white Christians from being shot in games will most likely not contribute to a deeper gaming experience - but on the contrary, strangle it.


Christianity leading to suffering and insanity? No, that sounds completely impossible...

Despite that, Ubisoft raised a little hope in me again. Disclosure of the game actually made me hyped on a Far Cry game again - and that alone is a miracle in itself as I of lately have felt quite sick of them. But may I also get a juicy social statement that may infuriate the white men constantly feeling offended while at the same time leave a lasting impression in my mind as an awesome gaming experience, then it is Christmas for me.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


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When it comes to religion there will always be someone who finds an excuse to be offended by something that challenges their rose tinted view of their faith . To be honest, those kind of people come across as insecure in their beliefs to me. Why would they need to get angry at something that challenges their form of thinking, if they are so confident they are correct in the first place?

Good point. A game shouldn't be able to shake you as much as it has done to certain people with FC 5, as you say, it shows signs of big insecurity in their own faith.

And just let games be games, people need to stop being so sensitive all the time and just move on with their life!

Thanks for reading dude, peace!