Why Firing Comey Only Amplified Trump’s Russia ProblemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  8 years ago 

From Wired

IF PRESIDENT TRUMP had hoped to dampen the sense of intrigue swirling around his campaign’s alleged ties to Russia by firing FBI director James Comey, his plan has royally backfired. Comey’s dismissal has instead sent Russia hurtling back to the center of the national conversation. For a president usually so savvy about the uses of social media, it’s a rare misstep. Trump has often displayed a knack for redirecting—or at least confusing—the country’s attention by flooding the zone with noise. In firing Comey, the president tried to cut off the signal. At a time when scandal travels at the speed of Twitter, such a move only serves to amplify whatever you’re hoping to obscure.

As soon as the unceremonious ouster was announced, comparisons to President Richard Nixon’s firing of lead Watergate investigator Archibald Cox overran social media faster than you can say “Saturday Night Massacre.” Senator John McCain and other leading Republicans took to Twitter to denounce the decision, calling for a special congressional committee to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Reports from inside the White House described press secretary Sean Spicer hiding behind a bush and delivering furtive messages to the press in utter darkness—antics that, utterly unsurprisingly, attracted the glaring light of social media mockery.

In an interview following the firing, Trump administration spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox’s Tucker Carlson, “It’s time to move on” from the Russia investigation. But Comey’s firing has only ratcheted up pressure to pursue the investigation all the more vigorously.

“Imagine I told you a secret, and I asked you not to tell anybody else, the first thing you’d do is go tell someone else,” says Jonah Berger, author of the book Contagious: Why Things Catch On. “It makes it seem more juicy, more interesting, more valuable.”

In his campaign for president, Trump benefited greatly from how badly his opponent’s own appearance of secret-keeping damaged her campaign. Hillary Clinton’s primary offense was setting up a private email server as Secretary of State, but the scandal that dogged her was her decision to delete some 30,000 emails from that server. Whatever information those emails did or didn’t contain, the very act of deleting them drew attention and provided detractors with endless fodder for alleging she was up to something nefarious. The same goes for the transcripts of speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs, which Clinton refused to release. When they leaked anyway, the actual text of the speeches was far more benign than the perception of untrustworthiness that not releasing them generated. Their absence attracted more attention than the transcripts themselves.

Read more here: https://www.wired.com/2017/05/firing-comey-amplified-trumps-russia-problem/
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That's interesting to think about it... Thanks for sharing @contentjunkie. I followed you for future posts.

Honestly, he has got a cult following like Justin Bieber or One Direction. No matter what crazy shit he does, his fans will still love him.

Certainly hasn't helped

Wired is #FakeNews mainstream media!👌

They are anti Trump through and through.😂

There is much point in reading anything they publish because they are massively butthurt and chronic sufferers of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome. 👌

An adhominem followed by poisoning the well.

All Wired ever do is write anti Trump bile.

I don't waste my time even bothering to read it. It's just non stop triggered butthurt from lefty losers.

I agree
Back in the day wired was interesting.
I enjoyed reading it a LOT.
Then it was sold to Conde Nasty I think?
one of them LameStreamMedia giants.
I quit reading it shortly after that.

I used to love reading Wired. They had fascinating scientific and military content.

Then something happened and they started to pump out endless #FakeNews lies about Donald Trump did this, Donald Trump did that etc.

Confected outrage for the gullible sheeple.

I avoid them like the plague nowadays. As soon as I see the Wired URL, I delete the page and move on.

try this an ap for chrome.

Does Trump have a Russian problem or a media problem?
I suspect the later. They fabricated the 'russian problem' from whole cloth. There is zero evidence. If they can do it once they can do it again.

Yep, totally. He's firing staff left and right over their ties to Russia just because CNN said so!

No evidence whatsoever. (As long as you only listen to Trump, Breitbart and Alex Jones.)

actually he's firing staff left and right for other reasons.
saving money perhaps ?
for the first time in a LONG time the government posted a surplus.
$180 Billion actually.
Perhaps Trump should keep firing staff?
oh..and how about that $1.7 TRILLION tax cut?

I mean, you've caught me here. Trump's stated reason for firing Flynn was specifically over his ties to Russia... but I have trouble believing anything Trump says. So...

Tax cut? You mean the thing Congress almost certainly won't pass? Just like they haven't let him make other budget cuts?

Yeah, great. You also realize you won't see any of it right? Because if you were rich enough to, you probably wouldn't be wasting time posting on Steemit.

you're mistaken.
Trump did NOT fire Flyn.
Flynn resigned due to pressure from the SnoozeMedia.
so you got that part wrong.
Blame the democrats and the rinos for not passing his tax cutz, if they don't.
Trump can't be held responsible for advice not taken.

I'm NOT wasting time on Steemit
I'm making money.
Ten Thousand dollars in the last eight months.
and I'm just getting started.

anything else I can help you with?

Oh and $10k in 8 months would absolutely be a waste of time to anyone that will actually benefit from Trump's tax cuts.

it's $10K more that I would have had otherwise..
I expect to benefit HUGELY from his tax cuts.
Removing the ObamaCare Mandate tax comes to mind.
if you have SO much money that you sneer at a mere 10K..
well the steem transfer function is just sitting there.
how much are you giving me?

I didn't say me. But yes, you must be rich if you're begging for Steem and worried about that ACA penalty. What, $700?

My actual point though is that his tax cuts are aimed at the wealthy, not the lower and middle classes. Meanwhile his trade wars and bad policies are going to end up increasing prices. So tell me, if you get an extra $700 back in taxes but food prices double... Did you really benefit?

Lol. Yep, everything is the medias fault. Trump would never lie.

Trump lies all the time. He's a salesman. That's what salesmen do.
He's VERY good at it too.

Good that you put your trust in him then.

I wonder if Comey will take up the offer from Wikileaks. Unlikely, but it would be interesting.