Why equality of outcome is prejudice!

in politics •  8 years ago 

What is equality of opportunity?

Equality of opportunity is simply the idea that everybody is given the same rights and opportunities. With equality of opportunity, every person from any race, gender or sexual orientation is given the same tools to succeed and it does not interfere with the process of natural competition to get success.

What is equality of outcome?

Equality of outcome is the idea that everybody should be equality represented regardless of performance. In essence, people who subscribe to this believe that equality of outcome is a solution to a lack of diversity regardless of the skills or choices made by individuals in that group.

Why is Equality of outcome a problem?

Equality of outcome puts people's destiny not in their own hands but in the hands of some moderator who decides the outcome not based on performance or skill level but on who you are as part of a group.

This is based on an imaginary victimhood ranking system which places groups of people in order of oppression. Currently, (from least oppressed to most) the order is:

Whites, Jews, Asians, gays, Indians, blacks, Muslims and made up genders.

There is an additional modifier to this system, if you are a man you automatically half your oppression level and if you are a woman you double it.

Now you might have noticed that some of these groups are not mutually exclusive, you could get a black Jew or a white Muslim, which in a very real way makes this social justice system pretty racist because it makes assumptions on people based on skin colour. However I will proceed as if that isn't all you need to know in order to call it evil.

All this is relevant because proponents of equality of outcome care more and more about diversity the further down the ranking a person is.

For example, they don't care that pro basketball is almost exclusively played by black people because white people are considered privileged and are therefore banned from being a beneficiary of equality of outcome. To my mind the fact that almost all pro basketballers are black is a testiment to equality of opportunity. I have the opportunity to try and be good at basketball, everybody does, however it turns out that black people are on average better players and because of that fact they succeed where I don't. Seems pretty fair to me.

On the flip side, the fact that white men dominate some fields is apparently a huge problem. This is where the proponents of equality of outcome pop a gasket and start running around in outrage. This is where new laws and regulations have to be put in place, we must have more of everybody else in these fields in order to make things fair.

A fundamental misunderstanding of equality

Proponents of equality of outcome seem to not understand the difference between inequality and inequity. If I give two people 1000 dollars and one person blows it in a casino while the other buys a suit to get a job, equality has happened! Both people were given the same opportunity, this is equality, but one is broke while the other now has improved his life with a job, this is inequity. In order to solve this inequity, I would have to give the person with nothing another 1000 dollars, now there is equity but it isn't equality because I have now given him twice as much as the other person.


I think we all need to come to our senses! It needs to stop. It isn't fair to penalise the Asian guy because he is over represented in colleges in favour of a less achievement Muslim girl just because they have a quota to fill. People should be responsible for their own actions and should be rewarded proportionately based on those actions not based on who you are and what you look like. The world is going mad and I hope it stops.




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Yes. Agreed. I love responsibility. I love to work hard. I love to reap what I sow. If I do bad, I want to get what is coming to me. It is more fair that way. If I do great, I want more money. I like what you wrote. It is very true. I love capitalism. I hate corporatism. Thanks for the post. We want more competition. That is what we all want. We win and lose. Some are big. Some are small. I love Info Wars. I love to help people teach themselves how to have more freedoms and to work as hard as they can. We do better when we do what we love and love what we do.

agree is not fair

Equality of outcome is tyrannical.