We Are In A Fascist America. "Send Her Back!"

in politics •  6 years ago 


What an absolutely disgusting showcase of pure racism. Lies upon lies upon lies and the death threats are real. This is horrifying. Meanwhile, kid in cages are being murdered and stripped from their loved ones.

Ilhan Omar supported a bill for 9/11 victims to get relief and the help that they need and republicans blocked it, yet Trump continues to lie and lie and lie about her for purely racist reasoning.

Disgusting. At this point in time, if you have seen that clip and haven't pulled support for Trump, you are a racist. No wishwashing required anymore. Only a racist would defend that. Period.

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I have to agree, this is authentic racism on display. The fact it's coming from a mainstream politician is disturbing. It's an unashamedly far-right viewpoint.

Despite that, I'm sure Trump and most of his supporters genuinely believe they aren't racist. Usually I'd like to think people who believe their intentions to be good are capable of being salvaged, unfortunately I have little faith these people will ever be adequately deprogrammed.

This outburst exposes a serious problem which needs to be fixed in an unapologetic manner and as a matter of severe urgency. Attitudes like these can't be allowed to take root because of their tendency to undermine the foundation on which society is built. Today the message is "go back", I dread to think how this could escalate in the coming years. This is the sort of rhetoric which has often historically evolved over time to become more violent and exclusionary.

I can't say things are perfect here in Europe, but I'd like to think our racists are more reasonable. European racists usually at least pretend they exist as opposition to a perceived cultural invasion, in comparison to America's shockingly prevalent one-drop rule believers, who frequently appear to believe dark skin tones show an inherent predisposition toward crime and sexual violence.

Sort it out.

it's pretty insane how far things have gone in the last year alone as far as exponential growth of racism and bigotry. I'm hoping this is a tipping point, but I doubt it will be.

This man is racist as hell, and has no business being President, he is a disgrace.

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What are you high on?

I see no racism in President Trump's speech at all, not even remotely.

You sense racism only because you are a closeted racist deep inside.

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So, you make claims of racism (something that cannot exist biologically) and when someone challenges your claims, you just "lmfao"? Interesting.

Ilhan Omar has a very questionable past and married her brother (fact) to get into this country, there is serious allegations (not just opinion like your article) that Representative Omar lie about her name and who she was when entering this country. If these allegations are true, then Rep, Omar needs to be removed from office and put on trial for her alleged crimes.

You are making the claim that all President Trump supporters are either openly racist or just don't know they are...that is pure bullshit and you know it, but hey, this is the level of "intelligence" brought on by those just are not willing to actually listen and read the crap they right.

If Rep Omar has falsified her information to enter this country, then she needs to be a good woman and resign her position as she entered that position in bad faith. That is not a "racist" statement, that is a legal reality and the consequences of her actions if proven to be accurate.

I am willing to have a mature discussion, but when someone is so arrogant as to think that everyone but them are "okay" than that person is the real bigot.

I would actually debate with you, but your opening statement "racism can't exist" is just so fundamentally wrong and easily proven false with things like slavery that I can't take you seriously.

You also peddle conspiracy theories about someone that have nothing to do with their actual political positions, and are irrelevant to the conversation, and I presume you only do so because your internet bubble of infowars and other lunatics convinced you to and you have no free will to research on your own.

Come back when you grow up, then we'll talk.