Why We Have a Surveillance State

in politics •  7 years ago 

Sometimes the technology gets the blame for surveillance but the technology will progress no matter what. The author blames democracy. Not democratic forms of government in general but the all-powerful centralized government we have evolved towards vs. the distributed, federal, republican form of government the Constitution intended.

Because our prevailing governing philosophy acknowledges no limits to the doing of good or the thwarting of evil, any means necessary may be employed as long as worthy ends can be plausibly asserted. Evil must be discouraged, taxed, or outlawed; good must be encouraged, subsidized, or made mandatory. This progressive government mission must be implemented in the public square, in the marketplace, in our educational institutions, around the world, and in our homes until all forms of social injustice are eliminated.

Source: Why We Have a Surveillance State - Foundation for Economic Education

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Most if not all governments are corrupted by money and the use of force.

indigenous conquest of native land !
that's it !

indigenous conquest of native land !
that's it !