RE: You're being told a BIG LIE by the MSM again. It must be Tuesday. Again.

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You're being told a BIG LIE by the MSM again. It must be Tuesday. Again.

in politics •  7 years ago 

You realize that the logical outcome of your argument is ludicrous, right?

You are basically arguing that if a baby gets brought into the US, then it is home free and can never be deported for being an illegal.

If that was true and that was the law, what type of behavior do you thing that that would encourage?

This whole issue shows that root cause of the issue is the initial illegal immigration, by anyone. If the government had of stopped that, then we wouldn't have to deal with all these side effects later

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I apologize for the delay in this reply, still getting used to the way Steem works and did not see your comment until yesterday.

Yes, I fully realize exactly what the logical outcome of my statement is, although I would say that the deportation of children and young adults that have committed no offence against anyone is ludicrous.

If a pregnant "illegal" manages to cross the border and has her baby within our imaginary borders, then the child is a Constitutional citizen, with all of the proper documentation. What kind of behaviour does that encourage? My stance is that it does not matter to me whether the child was born before or after their parents "illegal" activity. You seem to place way to much import on that distinction.

The logical conclusion to your argument would be to deport all people that entered the borders without express permission and their descendants as well. What starting date should we set for that? Do we just single out those from Mexico and South America that came in the last couple of decades, or do we deport everyone but the descendants of the native Americans and Mexicans that survived initial contact with Europeans? Or those that settled areas conquered by the military after broken treaties? That would include almost all US citizens. Ludicrous? Illegal is illegal.

Since the beginning of mankind there have been borders, first natural, then man made and imaginary. None of these borders have ever been able to stop people from migrating to where they wanted to go. Not ice age ice packs, nor oceans, nor walls. I do not understand how you could possibly believe that things could, or should, be any different now.

People have a natural Right to travel and live where they want, always have and always will. No artificial construct will be able to stop this any more than did the oceans, or deserts or any other barrier our species has encountered.

Our government is supposed to be OF, FOR, and BY the People, and cannot exercise any Right not possessed by People. I have no Right to limit any People from travelling to or from any location, you do not have that Right, so how can you claim that Right for the government, unless of course, you are claiming that immigrants are not People, which is an entirely different issue, and not the case, I would hope.

You seem to put a lot of credence in the law, which is just another artificial barrier restricting certain people. There are many laws, and some have said that the majority (if not all) of the People in the US commit multiple felonies regularly, without even knowing they are in violation. Are you willing to boast that you have never knowingly or even unknowingly violated any one of the tens of thousands of laws that US citizens, and State citizens are subject to? If you are, then I would have to ask, since there is no way for you to know every law, how can you be so sure, and then state that, if true, you are the ONLY person I have ever encountered that has never crossed any legal line.

Finally, what effects are you talking about, exactly? The vast majority of immigrants, especially undocumented immigrants, never get arrested for any crime, nor do they call the police when they are the victims of crime. Their children attend our schools and watch our TV programming and are as completely indoctrinated into our strange materialistic, consumer driven society as any child born here. They take jobs with wages and working conditions that no citizen would ever accept, get no social security if they get hurt, get no welfare or even food stamp benefits (In most States), keep the cost of food and a myriad of other products low enough to allow purchase for even the poorest US citizens to afford. Their children are bilingual as a necessity, speaking at least twice as many languages as the average US citizen.

By my research, experience and personal tally, the provide much more than they take, which is exceptional in this Country.

This is such a non issue, but as long as the powers that should not be keep some of the people focused on this, which is, at it's core another race issue, others focused on racism against blacks, still others focused on who stands for what song, others concentrating on the Kardashians, sports, crime, etc etc, then they will never be held to account. We will continue to spend 100% of our tax money to pay for interest on money borrowed that the government should have printed for free, spend billions of dollars on our military to destroy lives around the world, billions more to allow the government and corporations to know every keystroke we press, video of every step that we take, recording every word that we say, and control us to a person. The law is the law, but there are far more consequential violations that we should be focusing on other than which side of an imaginary line someone was born on.