I have been following the election something fierce since I knew that Hillary was running this year. It is so interesting to follow the news programs via Bing.com and hit the politics new tab there and see the headlines. The vast majority are Anti Trump and I have never noticed so much negativity surrounding President Trump for as long as they have since the first day he took office. The reporting at CNN says they report over 90% of their Trump stories in a negative light.
The MSM is pretty slanted with a liberal agenda and it’s hard to stomach. I hear the generation under the “Millennium’s” has a very conservative stance on average so this is a positive thing. I know a lot of people and it doesn’t matter if they are Democrats or Republicans they are all conservative on an individual personal basis and I think they need to look at the big picture of the American lifestyle the same way they look at his own pocket books and like we all know the President is just one man and he can only do so much on his own.
It’s sad to see how the MSM is reporting the things that that President Trump does but I would have to say he is a hard headed individual and has a game plan in mind and the Establishment on both sides of the fence is really against him. I think putting America first is the stance we need. They have been selling and giving away America for many years and we need to get away from that in a big way. We as American’s can’t buy property in other countries or that is just go somewhere just because we want to go there. It doesn’t work that way so America should really be similar to many other countries but unfortunately with the “special interest” it’s politically incorrect to have an America First mentality.
I have always been considered “working poor” and this has been my choice really even though with the kids getting older and growing up things should move to a double income household, but having a handicapped child will keep him at home. I always felt it was more important to get my kids on a good path to doing well in life than having a two income family that is unable to properly manage the kids growing up in these times. These days just one mistake in life that we used to take for granted can haunt you the rest of your lives now. I do say I have a decent wage if I was living in Idaho…LOL
I think I have always had a strong opinion on politics when you see things in a right or wrong stance but these days with all the “fake news” and various shady looking websites and all the anonymous sources it’s hard to know what is real or not without knowing first hand. This is also very unfortunate where people who were to report the new with an unbiased view to get the story out accurately has moved to nothing but slanted stories with many biases and they call this NEWS? It’s really getting old and Trump has only been in for 6 months. It’s getting very old fast for me I am afraid and with the many folks working fast lifestyles they look at headlines and rarely read stories now. Very short attention spans by the population.
I got to say I like what Trump is saying but I just hate looking at the guy. He has a very bad look to himself but I think you could compare it to someone that knows what he wants to do and get there and is trying to stay focused on what needs to happen but has been confronted with nonstop walls all along the way. He is obviously not a politician because many of us know that politics is a “slow moving stone” and many will not do what they set out to do when they first join the world of politics and so why not get rich because that is the only “sure thing” to this equation for a politician.
I watched a women that was trying to push thru a law in her state to better protect children from guns and accidental shootings and when she called her Congressman to set up an appointment she was told it would be $1600 for 30 minutes on a sit down. This is just so disgusting to. No wonder we are so broke and let corporations get away with whatever they want to so long as they put a bunch of money in the hands of those who have to ability to make it happen. I think this is why they need to change things and have term limits in every position with then signing contracts with their voters to do what they say they are going to do and holding them accountable for what they vote for. Maybe if they can’t change lobbying they should change the rules and give their districts 99% of the money collected in the form of fund for school, road, and infrastructure? The more he gets the more the district gets. This would certainly discourage the behavior the way it is now.
The worst thing is that all the wealthy are acting like they know something the standard American doesn’t know and it’s like they know a SHTF scenario is coming and they need to get their now while the getting is good and screw everyone else. I am sure there are some good ones out there but there are so many bad ones it’s like the old saying “One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel” and make everything look bad.
The American dream was built on the theme of working hard to create a better life for our kids and a younger generation. Leaving things better than we started with mentality, but this is no longer going on. Since the 1990’s it’s been a free for all and screw everyone so I can get mine. It’s pretty sad. There are a lot of good people out there but many things comes down to the almighty dollar and eventually they sell out.
I think you can compare how America is by the way we treat our sick people. They would prefer to “treat” people and not fix them. You can’t make money by fixing people. If you can’t afford to the treatment you will unfortunately die or continue to get sicker. This is the way I see things and it’s just the way things are, but it doesn’t have to be the way.
We have given away all the good jobs to other countries and made America disadvantaged in the process. It’s no wonder we are unable to compete on a world scale, when we have EPA and minimum wage rules here all the other rules that keep jobs from developing in some areas. Most are just not friendly for companies to set up shop.
This reminds me of a story I heard from a truck driver at my old job. This goes back to Bill Clinton days and NAFTA in the very beginning. He said he wife had just gotten laid off and she was making $12 an hour at a major denim pants company we all know and had been working there for nearly 15 year. He said they were actually making the pants in Mexico and then shipping them over the border to the US and then sewing on the leather patch saying “Made in America” when they were not being made here just putting the patch on. This was in El Paso area in Texas. When Clinton signed the NAFTA deal they simply shut down the US plants and started doing it all in Mexico. They were making around $2 per hour with very little regulations. When this happened I never saw them lower their jeans to $15 per pair but they could have. This story is not uncommon in American today. We can just out source everything and as consumers it’s good but we no longer have the jobs to support ourselves on average.
I have always had my own opinions of most presidents that have been in office and I have always been an independent voter not belonging to a political party. I wanted to have an open mind and vote for the best candidate not for the person they tell me to vote for. The two political parties have really kept out the good people and I am hoping that things can start to change now with Trump in there.
I look at him being a billionaire and wonder why he is doing this but I think he knows how things are on the World scene and foresees things getting worse and worse and he like many has kids and grandkids to think about. We need to rebuild the country instead of making us in to another Mexico or South Africa where there are basically rich people and poor people. This is sad and I can see where it’s time to Make America Great again.
I am tired of all the wars and battles that risk our service members and from what I see is not worth it. We get too involved in other places politics and countries and I think we need to stand back and assist but stop intervening with our own people and troops involved. It’s always been a world of the strong survive and in some countries this is just how things work and it’s really no our business to change things in other countries. Who are we to say it’s wrong or right in another country?
I think we need to look at closing many overseas bases and consolidating with our best allies to help protect them and the ones that have similar interests. It’s has become a place where countries are just looking for handouts just like our politicians and by giving the money we are somehow expecting something for this money and it’s not that simple. If they are truly equal partners in preserving the Western way of life then we should be there but in places that do not have our lifestyle in mind we need to let them do their thing. We cannot support our homeless population now and we should really not be bringing people that are going to be a burden to society, meaning they will never work and earn their way, but instead will be supported by the tax payer.
I know other countries don’t allow for people to come with the idea of never being able to assimilate to the culture and become a productive citizen. We need to set guidelines to immigrants. My family came here as immigrants but they were indentured when they arrived and had to work off the cost of coming before they could move on to do their own thing. Now many show up and get social security money and many other handouts just coming that original immigrants never got. They need to be better prepared to work and this means they need to learn the language and American ways before they are even permitted to show up.
We all know that Illegals and people that are not ready to come to American and contribute will be manipulated and taken advantage of.
I really didn’t want to make this so long but it’s just so frustrating and there are so many issues we need to address as Americans moving forward. I just fear things might get worse before they will get better and if we can’t let the President get to work on fixing things we are screwed because with so much debt and people in poverty things really need to change for the better and with all the negative MSM stuff it’s really putting a major damper on the good that is going on.
Until next time…
Super post
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This is not exactly addressing what you are talking about, but I just want to know what is so bad about being left wing?
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