Who can argue with "saving the planet", right?
Well the truth is that Earth Day was created by an administrator at the United Nations, who was a communist- which is why the date for Earth Day was the founder of the Soviet Union - Vladimir Lenin's - birthday!
The UN knows that the only way humankind can "save the planet" is with a One World Government. Individual governments cannot do it. This is all part of a 50 year plan for the New World Order, with a single One World Government, that will override the sovereignty of all other governments, as well as the rights of humans all over the world. Because, when "saving the planet" overrides the rights of individual citizens, the master government is capable of doing anything... including extermination of "excess" population. (Can you say, "Agenda 21"?)
Earth Day and the March for Science take advantage of the "Useful Idiots" that Vladimir Lenin talked about, to destroy freedom, and to "save the planet" for Communism.