Donald Trump: Can A Leopard Really Change its Spots?

in politics •  9 years ago  (edited)

Has it suddenly dawned on Mr Trump that you really can't have your cake and eat it? That you can't just abuse and annoy your way to the presidency? After plummeting numbers in the polls these few weeks and possibly advice from his new campaign team, he has bowed to the pressure that maybe not all things are meant to be said. Like a proverb goes,

"Not everything the eyes see, should the mouth allow itself to say!"


Image Credit : votesmart

Yesterday, in a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, Donald Trump confessed to having said a lot of stuff and I quote

"Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that, and I regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues."

Video Credit: Live Broadcast

Is this the new Donald Trump? Or the real one? Is he simply pandering to the media and the American public just to target emotional votes? Or do we just need to wait a few more days before the Return of The Trump?

In my opinion, I feel that the saying "a leopard can't change its spots" applies wholly in this situation. Donald Trump is just unable to hold out with this apologies. He simply can't help himself! He is a business man and he takes advantage of opportunities, good or bad to his advantage. The moment he realized a section of the American people liked his rhetoric and warmed up to the delivery of this unguarded and a times reckless utterances, he decided to milk it for all its worth.

People now seem to be seeing beyond this rhetoric and are probably beginning to see that there is nothing there, and that he is too divisive. Whatever the case may be, whether the leopard can really change its spot, that is yet to be seen, but for now, we can only hope that the lessons he is beginning to take on being civil, stick!

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@simoneighties, can you please remove the downvote. Thanks

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Okay, regardless of how any of us feel about this presidential candidate, I believe he is going to win and I will tell you why. He is going to buy his way into office, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. If he wasn't, he would have dropped out of this race a long time ago. Normally that is what happens when a candidate is not doing so good in the polls from surveys.

Donald Trump is one of the richest men in this world. If they let Arnold win governor of California with the money he has, why couldn't Trump just buy his way in? The answer is he can, and he will. Sad part is he isn't the first, but it's something different about this guy, and I don't mean in a good way.

He has a hidden agenda but I honestly think he has revealed some of it. He wasn't playing when he said what he said about building that wall up. Whether it's to keep illegal immigrants out, or keep certain individuals in it doesn't sound good at all. This is just the beginning of what he has in store.

I won't even begin to speak about the fact that he doesn't even acknowledge minorities, period. He nonchalantly acts like racism doesn't exist, or basically that minorities should be happy with what they are getting. His arrogance alone further shows me that our society really needs to wake up if this is the person that you want to lead our country.

In closing, I'm not even voting this election. Especially when I feel the election is going to be rigged anyway. I honestly do not trust the election process, people are so greedy and corrupt these days. Money might not be able to buy you love and hapiness, but it can buy you the presidency .You can choose to vote or not, it doesn't matter anyway none of the candidates have more money than Trump!

Listen, @siclone23, if you think the election is rigged, you also have to believe all the polls are rigged. If the election results reflects the late October early November polls, + the exit polls, and the October poll are clearly related to the September polls, the logical implication is all the polls are lies to support the rigged election results. You tell yourself the election is rigged because it supports your other core beliefs which would be harder to believe if the elections were not rigged. Jeb Bush is a rich man, he was backed by a super pack that raised a hundred million dollars from the GOP establishment, that didn't get him through the primary. Trump says the elections will be rigged to undermine the system because that's the kind of guy he is. Take off the tinfoil hat.

Good reply, actually I do believe all of the polls are rigged @laconicflow. My other core beliefs are mere facts that have been stated, I'm sure you have your own as well. I can almost bet my last dollar that you are not a minority, so it is impossible for you to know what they experience. I just named off a few of the reasons why he might not be the best person to pick for the presidency. If people found out that the polls were rigged there would be an uprising, that is why it is kept secret.

For what it is worth, when suppression has been ongoing for centuries, people get kind of fed up. I know it probably doesn't affect you as it has others, but last time I checked I put my pants on the same way you do. What I mean is, equality should be a main focus for any candidate, not division. We have to get out of the mentality that cultural core beliefs exist and accept the truth. I'm convinced money will decide this presidency, not you or I, well at least not a person who is a minority and poor.

And in 3... 2... 1... he said something stupid and/ or offensive again. The whole thing is just sad and ridiculous.

@lolalila, thanks for your comment. He truly really can't help himself!

"I will always tell you the truth." - Donald Trump

As my father always told me, be skeptical of someone who goes out of their way to ask you to trust them.

wise words @ taylortyler, wise words

I honestly feel you shouldn't make this whole thing a drama series with sayings of "is this the real one?" or "the return of the trump" this is a post of one the most powerful positions in the world. Its politics and there has been numerous occasions where apologies were made

Yeah, I think Trump is just your garden veriety predatory business man. I had to research him after he started doing well and that research included his appearances on Letterman. I found him amusing as a private citizen.
I've decided long ago that the man is tempramentaly unqualified for the presidency. I know there are a lot of people on steemit who think our underlying framework of government is a joke no one respects anyway, but I don't and its that framework I think he will entirely ignore due to lack of understanding. I don't think he wants to learn new facts, say about foreign policy.
While I thought the speech last nightwas an improvement, at this point it strikes me as like finding a gold coin in a big shit.

Thank you firstly for the post.
I have also noticed this sudden change in Trump, even before this staff shake-up. He gave a speech earlier this week, and it was one of the rare, if not only times I saw him reading from the teleprompt similar to the left right one Obama uses so well.
My thoughts on this is they are setting him up to fail vs Hillary during the debates. He already made his business deal a long time ago. He's a businessman, he makes money. Do you think he is in it to win? He's there to make a quick buck. No dishonour in losing to the first woman president of the free world. Please.

However, quick spanner, what are the chances of the elections not even taking place, and Obama stays president well into the new year under a state of emergency war time act that allows for such act. Heck, he killed Osama, why not keep him in while nuking the Russians? The two candidates (who are most likely two win) are physically, emotionally, and mentally unfit). No establishment wants either of them in there. Have you seen Hillarys health? Good heavens, she isn't fit to run a kitchen tea let alone a government. Wow. And too many people hate Trump. He will replace all the people who are collecting bribes with new ones. They will never allow him to be president.

Just think about it.

I think everyone is going crazy because an actual human being is running for POTUS that makes errors as opposed to your typical robotic teleprompter readers who can't complete a sentence without one. Imagine if 40 years of the things you said were recorded and every word was dissected a in a way to make you look bad by the media. As far as a threat to national security, do you really think other nations are going to poke a guy that they think is nuke happy? I really doubt it.

I despised that buffoon before he was running for your president. Now I consider him a serious threat to world peace and security, as if there isn't enough threats to it now. It is nice though that someone is able to make Rob Ford look rather mild in comparison.

Hillary Clinton is your threat to world peace and security, she has been funded millions of dollars and its ridiculous how shes getting away with releasing national top secret emails, when Snowden, Assange have all done the same thing and they are in exile (but they have done it in a minuscule scale compared to her)

@shadowspub and @akbarshox, you can only have a threat to world peace and security if you actually have world peace and security. Look at both of your comments. You both cited the opposing candidates on the same exact topic and you are both correct. Do you not see the ludicrousness of this?

This is simply the most divisive election in modern times.

Lol exactly! People act like the world is a perfect peaceful place and the next Pres is going to ruin that...?

@spartanza You do not understand what Obama has done to the US in terms of foreign relations. Every country now either does not take the US seriously, or simply despises it. The US has destroyed the Iraq, Iran, Libya, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Syria. They overthrew Qaddafi because he decided to no longer use the US dollar as accepted currency. Iraq and Iran you already know. As for Syria, in order to keep the wars going they basically funded ISIS (who was not this large and destructive) who then rebelled and became the monstrosity known today. They wanted to bomb the hell out of Syria too, but what happened? Russia said enough. They did not allow the US to destroy another country without consequences so they clearly stated that there will be MILITARY intervention between the US and Russia should US decide to go forth with the bombing. Hillary has been a part of ALL of this, she has direct deals with the Saudis regarding weaponry, ISIS and the middle east. Trump has a lot of negatives, but which human doesnt? But whats most important is that someone finally decided to improve relations with the world, and that means improving relations with Russia who has long been wrongfully accused of starting wars, conquering land (Crimea, completely fabricated), and controlling its citizens. Trump isn't influenced by the media, he has his own sources and he is willing to do a lot for the US. If Hillary is elected, I will be moving out of the US in the next couple of years, because there will be MORE wars. Please do your own research to everyone, do not trust the mainstream media

We're singing from the same hymn sheet.

And you are spot on on your analysis. Gun to my head, Trump will never be president, and it's geared up for Clinton to win. Mainstream media has suppressed her health issues, her being found guilty by the FBI, and Benghazi. If Trump was in control of the media, she would have lost already.
Bernie was cheated out of the primaries with these ridiculous things like 'Super-delegates'. The primaries were stolen from Bernie for all to see. Tells me the money is backing Hillary, and she will be the next president.
Only one thing will stop or at least delay that certainty. State of Emergency and Martial law, which it looks like BLM is aiming to achieve, and George Soros funding the destabling of the American way of life.