A Rude Awakening

in politics •  8 years ago 

4:30 am could not sleep, as usual, and as usual I am asking why?
Why me?

When did you wake up? When did you realize that the whole world we live in is based on lies? Why was it that you chose to seek the truth while others refused?

Why you?
Why me?

Every person who is now awake was once asleep. We were all living the lie but somehow we escaped its clutches while at the same time many of our friends and family were left behind.

Do you ever wonder why?

Those of us who took the “blue pill” (or was the red one? I can never remember) never looked back and now find ourselves as outcasts among the circles we once were members. We are called crazy Utopians who are a danger to society and yet we reveal in the moniker as if a badge of honor.
Why is it so?

Why me?
What was it that made me wake up while others sleep? Was I born this way? My brother and sister are not like me.

Why me?

I remember the moment when I fully recognized the conspiracy surrounded by lies. I remember the night when all I could do is cry. Did you have such a moment? Did you ask why?

Why me? Why you? Why us and why can the others not see?

What drives the obsession with finding the truth? What made me give up everything for a promise of nothing?
Why me?

I had it all. I was living the dream in 2007 when the dream turned into a nightmare and I suddenly was awakened.
Why me?

Why have I been completely obsessed with uncovering the truth? How did I spend weeks without sleep without collapsing in exhaustion? Why do I spend every waking hour seeking ways to battle the conspiracy?
Why me?

Questions lead to answers that lead to more questions yet I continue to ask why?
Why me?

I was once young and a rebel without a cause. When I look back I see my conflict with the state has been long and storied (to say the least) and I now know why. Because even then I was asking why?

I do not know all the answers. Hell, I don’t even know all the questions. My guess is I am sick. An addict really. I am addicted to truth.
Why me?

The only way to the truth is to first start with asking yourself why? I am obsessed with the question of why?

Send money, guns, and lawyers! I think I am insane.

Why you?

Why me?

Maybe another cup of coffee before getting back to work?

Damn what a rude awakening. I wonder why?

Why me?

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