in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

The following is a scathing critique on what I know to be the biggest impediment to American Liberty. It is so simple, that the ignorance of it is even more disturbing. Please excuse my style of writing here, it is a rant, but this subject really deeply irritates me.


If you want to get an impartial opinion on someones parenting, you try to get someone who is not their child. You want an adult, and preferably one who is not dependent on that parent, right?

One of the things that is hugely wrong with American politics, is that we have people highly dependent on the state, whether it be their increasingly shitty education, welfare programs, or their constant failed healthcare, who make up the majority of the political opinion.

How will the state NOT grow larger in these circumstances?

Few people are free enough to look at the state objectively and see how much of a demon it is, and the reason why our founding fathers prophetically warned of all of our current bleeding issues with them, over 200 years ago. They all agreed that government was in inherently evil, and should be kept as small as possible. Most importantly, it should be servent to the people, and not its ruler.

But we dont fucking read.

Can you even think of a George Washington quote?

Now think about that really deeply. He is our first president, immortalized as a god in Washington D.C.. You went through 13 years, 13 steps, 13 degrees of American "education" and cant even recall any wisdom from him, or likely any other founders.

They made you forget the Republic for which we should be standing, and instead have you railing for the right to have less freedom. They have you so dependent that you beg for bigger state, which literally means increased legislation.


This means less liberty!!!

A common thing among 12 yr olds 100 years ago, in many countries, was to be politically aware. Ayn Rand authored many political writings as a preteen girl. A little while before that there were 13 year old MEN commanding war ships. Today parents wont leave a 16 yr old home alone for the weekend. We have increasing amounts of college aged "adults" that dont have any purpose and cant reason at all.


That is the result of state run education!

And dont get me started on healthcare. I grew up on foodstamps, welfare, and medicaid, and let me tell you... people dependent on those programs are not examples of people who are in a position to prosper.

I had to rewire my brain and retrain my mind body and spirit out of that prison system of state controlled everything. It is a trap.

The state ruins everything it touches. It creates dependency and stagnation, and in many cases causes people to regress. The state is for the desperate, stupid, weak, or lazy. They do not help the people. They help keep these people out of the way.

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
~ Thomas Paine

When you ask the state to step in and fix things, you are increasing the evil. More government is more legislation, and that is literally begging for more bondage.

Read our fucking founders!

With love,

[My founding fathers library] (

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I certainly agree with this:

"The state ruins everything it touches. It creates dependency and stagnation, and in many cases causes people to regress. The state is for the desperate, stupid, weak, or lazy. They do not help the people. They help keep these people out of the way."

What a great quote. I will quote you.
Liberty or death; I don't support people glomming onto government because they are just entirely cowardly and gutless, stupid and without honor.

This deserves a counterpoint. I'll work on it.

Well now that you have announced it, you need to come with it.

I'll have time to start in about 7 hours.

@tvulgaris I'm highly interested in seeing that view angle. ..#FollowedLOL

I used to get this mad too. Now I'm getting even (which is what you're suggesting through education). Yes, much ignorance. It will fall... eventually.

Good rant!

There are very few Republics that haven't fallen to corporate oligopoly.
What you call the U.S. gov. is now serving The Plutocracy.....
It also serves about 20% of the pop. that have won in the casino which the oligarchs set up...It's pretty well all mafia ethos now and unless one is of the developmental stature of a Buddha​ or Christ; one will most likely get sucked into the mafia way of doing business....

You went Off Broski